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''Russian weapons for Serbia a threat to region'', Kosovo official says (N1, FoNet, B92, Blic)

Kosovo’s deputy Defense Minister Burim Ramadani said on Tuesday that the arming of Serbia with Russian weapons is a threat to the Balkan region, Pristina press reported. Belgrade based daily Blic reports that US is the biggest donator for the Serbian Army.

Ramadani is quoted as saying that this is Serbia’s and Russia’s revenge against NATO member states. Serbia has turned into a mini-Russia and this causes concern across the region, reports regional broadcaster N1.

Kosovo’s membership in NATO will contribute to regional security, he said commenting the delivery of Russian armored vehicles to the Serbian armed forces and the announcement by Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin that four Russian military helicopters are expected to be delivered by the end of the year.

B92 portal reports, quoting daily Blic, that the Ministry of Defense disclosed a review of donations showing that from 2014 to 2018, Serbia received the most assistance from the United States.

Specifically, Serbia received about $ 10 million in assistance from the US in equipment and money, making it the number one country when it comes to donations, writes today's Belgrade based daily Blic.

Second on the list is China, which has donated about € 5.2 million, followed by Norway with € 586,000, Denmark with € 494,860 and the UK with £ 169,000.

Serbia reportedly received the largest donations from the United States to procure $ 1.4 million worth of military operations training simulators and $ 819,800 worth of multi-purpose training ground equipment.

It added that the US also donated 12 thermal binoculars and 350 radio-logical individual sensors worth $ 814,567, as well as $ 379,000 worth of Virtual Battle Space simulation systems.

Blic writes that 10 BRDM2 vehicles, from a contingent of a Russian donation of 30 T-72 tanks and 30 BRDM2, arrived in Serbia, but that these vehicles, as well as the "Mig" program or the American "Hammies", for example, are not present in the Labour Information report of the Ministry of Defense, which presents donations to the Army over the last five years.