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Vucic: Srpska Lista to participate in elections even though Quint and Albanian portals are against them (KoSSev)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that Kosovo election campaign would not be easy for Srpska Lista, adding he still expects the leading Serbian party to win – if they decide to participate in the upcoming Kosovo parliamentary elections, KoSSev portal reports. “We will see if Srpska Lista will choose to participate (in the Kosovo elections). I advise them to participate, to win even though they will face the most difficult campaign so far. The Albanian portals, Quint, and everyone else used various ways to join the race to make sure that Srpska Lista loses – because it works with Belgrade, works and lives for the state of Serbia – to some of their favourites,“ President Vucic said.. He reiterated that Serbia would be pressured once again after the Pristina government is formed. “A difficult autumn waits us; a difficult winter awaits us. First and foremost, because of Kosovo. Our country will face major pressure as soon as the Albanians establish the government. Perhaps even before that (…),” Vucic added. According to Vucic, the pressure would aim at getting Serbia “to recognize Kosovo independence without compromise“. See at: is external)