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Vucic: We are working on new withdrawals of Kosovo recognition (RTS, B92, Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said tonight that intensive talks are underway "with other countries" about revoking recognition of Kosovo's independence.

"They (representatives of Pristina) yesterday relieved us of all responsibility, saying that they had come for new recognitions of Kosovo's independence. Now I say publicly - we are working on new withdrawals of recognition, they are doing their job and we are doing ours, so let's see who will be more successful", Vucic told RTS.

Vucic said that in order to win new recognitions in New York, Kosovo is represented not only by representatives of Pristina, but by Albania and their foreign affairs minister, a Kosovo born politician.

"They openly say that this is another country lobbying for them. No problem, we are alone, few want to help us, many keep underestimating us, but our response is effective and responsible," Vucic said.

Asked to comment on Hashim Thaci's statement that he came across the "ceiling" at the UN, Vucic said that Pristina is doing its job at keeping up the fight for what they consider their country, while Serbia needs to show that it is our country.

"That is now all about who will outsmart the other one, whether I came across the ceiling as a spider man or not ... but I will be able to speak here as the President of Serbia, and Thaci will not be able to speak as President of another state," Vucic said.

He went on depicting New York as one of the firmest stronghold of Kosovo in every sense, as they have numerous lobbyists and financial experts who have been helping their campaign since 1946.

Vucic said that Serbia is lagging behind by 72 or 73 years and that even when we start serious lobbying, with much more money involved, it will be a drop in the sea compared to how much they have lobbied since 1946.

Vucic says he has spoken with the President of the Congo, who will be visiting Belgrade in a month, adding that it is a country of 90 million people that was close to recognizing Kosovo's independence, but that Serbia successfully prevented it.

He added that tonight he would also meet with the President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, a very important man of enormous influence, and then meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss preparations for the arrival of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Belgrade, scheduled for October 20.

According to him, the two states are expected to sign numerous agreements on this occasion, but also marking a dignified commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade and Serbia from fascism in World War II.

"We will not allow anyone to strip us of our heroic past for political reasons".

He added that later tonight he would have dinner under the auspices of the World Economic Forum, when he will be accompanied by Jared Cohen, as well as new national security adviser Robert O`Brien, who succeeded John Bolton.

That will be of great importance, Vucic said, adding that he is also expected to have another dinner during the evening, with the outgoing European diplomacy chief Federica Mogherini.

"We have lots of work to do, but I surely think that we represent Serbia with dignity", he said.

Asked what would be the key messages in his address to the UN General Assembly tomorrow, he said he would come up with an analysis of what is happening in our region, as well as what the region needs - peace and stability and rapid economic development.

"I will try to talk about the region I come from. We are too small to be lecturing the world", Vucic said.

He added that he would instead talk about "our relations and the need to preserve peace and stability, what Serbia had accomplished so far and what we expect from the world in the future."