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Belgrade Media Report 24 January



Petkovic: Kosovo Serbs targeted by attacks, attempts to subjugate them (Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with the UK Ambassador to Serbia Edward Ferguson on Tuesday and noted that, on a daily basis, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija faced political disenfranchisement, constant attacks and attempts to subjugate them to Pristina through violence and non-democratic means. According to a statement released by the Office, Petkovic voiced concern over Pristina's decision to stop payment transactions with central Serbia from 1 February and abolish the Serbian Dinar as the legal tender in the province, and noted that this was a special form of pressure that would certainly lead to the Serb population moving out of Kosovo and Metohija. "This decision also leads to all agreements reached to date becoming pointless, including the agreement to form a Community of Serb Municipalities, structurally based also on institutions operating within the dinar payment system," Petkovic said, noting that the dinar was the "only legal currency in Kosovo and Metohija". He said this was a dangerous unilateral move by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti that posed not only a political but, above all, a social and humanitarian problem with disastrous consequences. Petkovic also informed Ferguson of the fact Kosovo Serbs had submitted signed petitions for a dismissal of illegitimate mayors and assembly members in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that they expected the problem to be resolved as soon as possible. "The false mayors and assembly members were elected with 3.5 percent of votes, and more than enough signatures for their dismissal have now been collected - more than 20 percent of the total registered voters," he said. Serbs and ethnic Albanians cannot resolve their disagreements over Kosovo and Metohija in any way other than through dialogue, which Belgrade will continue to work on with commitment, he said.


Fila: Belgrade authority will be formed with We – The Voice of the People (Beta)


The candidate for mayor of the Socialist Party of Serbia Toma Fila stated yesterday that there would be no repeat vote in the capital and that the city authority would be formed with council members from the ticket We – The Voice of the People. Fila told Beta that the Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia lacked only two council seats to form the Belgrade city authority, and that they would be joined by council members from the association We – The Voice of the People, which is headed by Branimir Nestorovic and Aleksandar Jerkovic. Commenting on the invitation of a vice president of the Serbian Progressive Party and candidate for mayor Aleksandar Sapic to talks on potential cooperation and plans for Belgrade’s development, We – The Voice of the People representatives said that they did not support a coalition with either the Progressives and Socialists, or with the potential coalition between Serbia Against Violence and NADA. They gave a similar response to Aleksandar Jerkovic, who is heading the ticket We – The Voice of the People, who invited them to a meeting in the capacity of the president of the movement There’s No Going Back, Serbia Is Behind Us, at which they would, as coalition partners, “exchange stances, not only regarding decisions about the Belgrade elections, but also about the current events in Kosovo and Metohija and further cooperation.” “We – The Voice of the People was not in coalition with anyone, either for the republic or for the city elections, we did not have the right to that as a citizens’ association. That is why we do not have coalition partners that we would have to agree with on anything,” stated the association. In the Belgrade elections, the ticket Aleksandar Vucic – Belgrade Must Not Stop won 49 seats, the Socialist Party of Serbia-United Serbia-Greens of Serbia won six, Serbia Against Violence won 42 seats, NADA for Belgrade seven and We – The Voice of the People six seats.


EP AFET says elections were not fair (N1)


The European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) was told by rapporteurs that the December 17 elections were not fair and that Serbia has to work on rule of law, normalization of relations with Kosovo and align its foreign policy with that of the EU. Director and Deputy Managing Director, European External Action Service Marko Makovec told MEPs that the EU expects Serbia to align with Union security and sanctions policy. He said that Serbia, as a candidate for EU membership, is expected to show commitment to the reforms required for accession, including rule of law, democratic standards, media freedom and the normalization of relations with Pristina which is crucial to regional stability. Makovec said that the elections were dominated by President Aleksndar Vucic, adding that he expects international bodes to review the ODIHR report. He said Serbia should implement the measures in that report before any future elections. Michael Miller of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations recalled ODIHR’s assessment that the elections were technically well organized but that the conditions were not fair with media bias and no line between state and party. He called official Belgrade to secure a constructive dialogue once the ODIHR releases its final report. Both European Commission officials said Belgrade-Pristina relations need to be normalized.


Bilcik to AFET: Thourough investigation needed into Serbian elections (N1)


European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik MEP said that an investigation into the 17 December elections needs to be thorough and cover all complaints adding that the entire electoral process needs to be examined. “I stress the importance of a thorough investigation into all complaints related to the elections, including the recent request filed with the Constitutional Court to annul the 17 December Belgrade City Assembly elections by the official from the Serbia Against Violence coalition,” he said in a written submission to the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). He said that the concerns raised by the Serbian opposition about voter migration, falsified signatures, and phantom voters, underscore the need for a comprehensive examination of the electoral process. Bilcik said that the investigations have to be conducted with utmost transparency and efficiency, and the findings addressed promptly to maintain the credibility of the electoral process. He recalled that the international observers did not look into the local elections, adding that any issues with the elections in Belgrade have to be handled separately from the parliamentary vote.


Schennach: Attacks by top Serbian officials are political game (N1)


The Head of the Council of Europe (CoE) Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) observer mission Stefa Schennach told N1 on Tuesday that the attacks on the international observers by top Serbian officials are a political game and not good for Serbia. He said that the personal attacks on him by President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic showed that they are nervous and that they know there were irregularities. We were never criticized as international observers by the authorities in any country like we have been in Serbia, he said and added that the observers are prepared to return to Serbia to meet with the authorities, opposition and civil society organizations. He said that he would explain democracy, elections and what it means to accept international observers if he meets with Vucic and Brnabic. Schennach said the 17 December elections were technically well organized but were not fair and were full of procedural irregularities, ballot stuffing, group votes, voter migration and huge pressure on voters. According to him, that has nothing to do with democratic elections. He said that he noticed that fewer voters were registered for the parliamentary than for the local elections at the same polling station he visited. Schennach said that fellow observers claim that Serbia Against Violence won a third more votes than the ruling parties at all polling stations which they observed.


McAllister: Stagnating Western Balkans states not eligible for new EU funds (N1/NSPM)


The Western Balkans countries backsliding or stagnating on fundamental values or failing to align with the EU foreign policy cannot be eligible for financial assistance through the new Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans, said Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister. McAllister was addressing the European Parliament Joint committee on Budgets and committee on Foreign Affairs, at which the European Commission discussed the establishing of the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans of 6 billion Euros for the period 2024-2027. Under the European Commission proposal, the Facility consist of 2 billion euros in grants and 4 billion euros in loans for the reform of political legal and economic systems in order to bring the Western Balkans countries closer to the EU and so accelerate the speed of their accession to the EU. According to Gert Jan Koopman of the European Commission, the Western Balkans economies are not converging rapidly enough with the EU. He said their average per capita income stands at about a third of the EU, their progress has been very limited, which creates many problems and that it is therefore necessary to help the reform processes of the future EU members.


US State Department calls on Kosovo to "revisit" decision to suspend Serbian Dinar (The Pavlovic Today/Kosovo Online)


The State Department has urged Kosovo to revisit its Central Bank's decision to suspend the Serbian Dinar in payment transactions, expressing concern that the regulation adopted on 27 December may negatively impact the ethnic Serb community in Kosovo, The Pavlovic Today writes. In response to the website's inquiry regarding the decision of the Central Bank of Kosovo to suspend the Serbian dinar as of 1 February 2024, the State Department issued "a stern warning to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti," said Kosovo Online. "We call on the government of Kosovo to review this decision, consult with the affected communities, respond to the concerns expressed by the international community, and ensure sufficient time to implement its decisions in order to mitigate the impact these decisions will have on citizens," said a State Department spokesperson. Regarding the development, the spokesperson stated, "We are concerned that the regulation adopted on 27 December will negatively impact the ethnic Serb community in Kosovo." The State Department stressed that, "in accordance with Kosovo law and the commitments made under the Ahtisaari Plan, Serbia 'has the right to provide financial assistance to members of the ethnic Serb community in Kosovo'," the reports further say. "Key provisions of the settlement in the Ahtisaari Plan stipulate that the 'Serb-majority communities will have extensive financial autonomy and will be able to accept transparent funding from Serbia and to take part in inter-municipal partnerships and cross-boundary cooperation with Serbian institutions'," the continued. The State Department reminded Kurti of "the legally binding obligations that Kosovo has undertaken". "This is why we continue to urge Kosovo to fulfill its commitment to establish an Association (Community, ZSO) of Serb-majority municipalities," the spokesperson said. He added that the ZSO is the primary mechanism through which Serbia could transparently provide financial support to institutions and individuals within the Kosovo legal framework. The State Department emphasized that individuals in Kosovo who "legitimately receive financial assistance from Serbia need access to a functional, legal mechanism through which they can receive that support". The spokesman concluded that institutions that provide vital services, such as education and health, "must be able to continue operating".




Kristo addresses press conference after meeting EU officials: We have to avoid imposing of Election Law (


Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers, Borjana Kristo, was the first one to address the press conference after the meeting with EU officials in Sarajevo on Tuesday. At the very beginning, Kristo expressed gratitude to each of the EU officials for their current support and she underscored support provided by EC President, Ursula Von der Leyen, which resulted in stability of B&H. She then expressed gratitude to Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, and Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte: “I want to underline the special role of Croatia and PM Plenkovic which was of extreme importance since submitting of a membership application for obtaining the EU candidate status in 2022 to this moment now. This raises our optimism and conviction. I would like to express special gratitude to Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte for support they provided in establishing and strengthening of B&H institutions and everything we do in EU accession process.” Kristo noted she expects support of their countries in the following period and then she commented the activities of the CoM in the previous year. She noted that on behalf of the CoM she informed the EU officials about the activities in the previous period: “Behind us there are 1,500 materials which regard the sectors of judiciary, rule of law, harmonization of B&H stances with EU’s and so on. I can inform you that in the past year, B&H has had 100% harmonization rate with EU policy.” She stressed that everything they did was done as a result of a policy of dialogue, compromise and understanding, which is a principle of work and understanding of the CoM, underlining that this allowed them to submit B&H parliament with 13 proposals of laws, out of which six were adopted and came in force. Kristo stressed that change of the Election Law is of special importance, and this is the matter the officials actively work on: “I want to underline we are working on changes of election legislation of B&H which is being done through working groups and at the level of political leaders. I would like to underscore the determination of the leaders toward solving of the issues, which especially regard the election legislation. In this regard, I want to stress that we expect the EU to continue to support these processes, which will lead us to internal dialogue and consensus, not only with Election Law, but also all other issues. I want to say that we have to do absolutely everything to avoid imposing of the solutions by the side of the international community, which could undermine relations within the coalition and between B&H institutions.” She stressed that they expect adoption of a global fiscal framework for 2024 and also emphasized the issue of Law on Conflict of Interest and Law on HJPC as two very important laws, which need to be adopted because of harmonization with the EU legislation. “All this gives me strength and optimism to firmly believe that the time ahead of us, that we will get the exact date for opening of the negotiations and I deem that this will be at the beginning of March. I believe that EU path is not easy, but we will reach it with our dedication. Future of B&H also depends solely on our ability to establish this cooperation and find sustainable and permanent solutions because of all of us most notably, but also because of the EU accession,” said Kristo. “Through the materials of the Council of Ministers, we have sent 13 proposals of law, six of them have been adopted by the Parliament of B&H, they entered force. We are working on making other legislative proposals and acts. In order to implement the EU Growth Plan, we had the obligation to adopt a program of reforms, submit it to the EC and appoint a team. We have done it. We need to responsibly continue on implementation of the Growth Plan”, said Kristo. She also stressed that work is being done on changing the electoral legislation. “We expect from the EU, as our key partner, to continue supporting these processes. We are focused on adopting the budget of institutions of B&H, today we should adopt the global fiscal framework”, added the CoM Chairwoman. “I am convinced the road towards the EU is not easy, but we will get there”, Kristo concluded.


Von der Leyen: We are witnesses of progress in B&H, but additional results are needed (


Addressing the press conference after series of meetings with B&H authorities in Sarajevo on Tuesday, EC President Ursula Von der Leyen stated that B&H’s progress is clearly visible, but additional results are needed, especially when it comes to democracy and rule of the law. She noted that she had good meetings with representatives of different institutions in B&H and commended B&H for 100% harmonization rate with EU foreign and security policy, noting that this conveys a strong message. “You demonstrated strong dedication to the European path, this is why you became a candidate state. Last December, the EU reached a historic decision to open negotiations with B&H if conditions that we agreed, are met. What this in fact means? We are witnesses of the certain progress with important laws that have been adopted, you proved that you can achieve results. The more result you achieve, the more you help me in drafting of the report,” said Von der Leyen. She added that all collocutors agreed they see B&H in the EU as an integral, undivided and sovereign stated: “It is in your hands to accept this path and may nothing divert you from this course.” However, von der Leyen stressed, that it is necessary to see additional progress, especially in democracy and rule of the law: “During the day we intensively discussed the issue of the Growth Plan. Here we are opening the doors for seven important sectors for business subjects in B&H. These activities need to be followed by reforms, economic reforms. If they are implemented, they can secure EUR one billion from the EU. This money goes toward prosperity of B&H. If a single region market is developed, this is a very important result that will benefit everyone, especially young people.” Answering journalist’s question, Von der Leyen said this is a historic chance for B&H.  “I have mentioned during a meeting an excellent motto we have in the EU, which is “united in diversity”. You truly have diversity, but you are united in one goal, which is the EU. On that side, it is necessary to use the time in order to adopt the laws which are very pragmatic. You have heard from my friends that this is a key moment that should not be missed. This is a great opportunity for B&H, but for the EU as well. We are convinced that the EU is incomplete without Western Balkans,” said Von der Leyen. Asked if B&H should adopt all 14 priorities by March or part of them has been agreed, von der Leyen said: “We discussed in detail the issue of the laws that should have been adopted. We need as much as possible priorities to be achieved, if possible. This is a key message. The Commission stands at your disposal to provide support. This is possible to achieve. I call on you use our support to try to achieve this,” said Von der Leyen.


Rutte: No shortcuts, we have to see results in next six weeks (


Addressing the press conference after series of meetings with B&H authorities, Prime Minister of Netherlands Mark Rutte stated that it was his pleasure to meet representatives of B&H institutions. “All these discussions give us the wide image of circumstances and the situation in a context of the European path and following steps. The Netherlands and B&H enjoy long-term relations.” He noted that the Netherlands has the pleasure to assist in construction of B&H, and they are doing this through EUFOR Mission as well. “I visited Butmir camp yesterday and heard firsthand about their work. The Netherlands is also a member of the PIC, in the end it is our joint interest for B&H to take its place at the EU table as a single and sovereign state. This is also in EU’s interest, for the members to be as strong as possible,” said Rutte. He stressed that the accession process is evaluated based on concrete results: “We need a list of results by priorities, but B&H is not alone. We, together with the EC, are here for you to assist you on this path.” To a journalist’s question whether he is ready to change his stance, Rutte said that currently he is not ready, and that entire process has to be founded on achieving of the results and he has to be sure B&H is achieving concrete and long-term results. “There is much to do in the next six week. Collocutors today were persuading me that things move in this direction, but we have to see this is happening. These are grand and demanding tasks. In many countries, my country and for me personally, it is important there are no shortcuts, that everything is founded. I am clear that this is a complex country, but many are at the disposal to give their contribution. The time is running out, probably this opportunity can be shut down by end of March,” said Rutte.


Plenkovic: Our visit serves as encouragement to B&H to adopt laws and reforms in following weeks in order to give arguments to EC (


Addressing the press conference after series of meetings with B&H authorities in Sarajevo on Tuesday, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic first thanked the hosts for the welcome and all the participants for successful meetings. He said that composition of today’s EU delegation is not accidental. “This visit is fruit of a discussion of the European Council last December when B&H received conclusions that lead toward opening of the talks. Our today’s visit serves as encouragement to B&H to adopt laws and reforms in the following weeks in order to give arguments to the European Commission, most notably to President Von der Leyen as well as Oliver Varhelyi to reach a positive decision on opening of the talks in their report they will prepare on 21 March.” He explained that B&H received a unique opportunity that could not have been imagined before: “In last two weeks, tectonic changes in the enlargement policy have happened. If someone asked us two years ago about Ukraine and Moldova, their opening of the negotiations, we would say no, but the Russian aggression of Ukraine and Putin’s policy accelerated the enlargement process. This changed context gives a chance to B&H to catch up.” He said that Croatia has for years been the biggest and strongest friend to B&H when it comes to the EU integration: “Now is the time, this visit is a political window to make progress about the laws on courts, on HJPC and about the law on prevention of money laundering, which would enable Commission to reach this decision in March. It is my impression that this decision is very much understood in B&H. In the following weeks, with support of all of us, B&H should get arguments for this decision to be reached.” Plenkovic noted this is a last chance for B&H in this year: “This is a last year of work of this Commissions, final days of the Parliament, the campaign will start soon. If March is missed, the entire year will be lost and there are no dilemmas here. I appeal for this window to be used and Croatia will do everything to support B&H in this key decision.” PM Plenkovic said the Growth Plan is the EU’s offer and call to B&H into a single market. He further said that “our today’s visit” serves as an encouragement to make certain efforts, so B&H provides the EC with arguments in order to create pre-requisites for achieving consensus among 27 (EU) Member States. “Now is the moment, this is a strategic visit, to make a step forward with regards to the laws on the HJPC, prevention of money laundering and other laws. That is the essence of today’s visit”, added Plenkovic. Plenkovic underlined that the it is high time to amend the Election Law of B&H, adding: "I want to say that we absolutely need to do everything to avoid the imposition of a solution by the international community that could damage relations both within the coalition and between the institutions of B&H.”


EU delegation visits B&H Presidency, Plenkovic absent from the meeting ( reported that the visit of EU officials to B&H started with the visit to B&H Presidency. EC President Ursula Von der Leyen and Prime Minister of The Netherlands Mark Rutte arrived to the Presidency’s building, where they are scheduled to meet Chairman Zeljko Komsic and members Zeljka Cvijanovic and Denis Becirovic. As expected, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic did not arrive to the meeting. Article reads that his attendance was planned, and Croatian flag was displayed in the ceremonial hall, along with EU, Dutch and B&H’s flags. Speculation say that Plenkovic avoided the meeting with Komsic, and the article comments that with this Plenkovic expressed deep disrespect toward the state of B&H and its institutions. comments that it is evident Plenkovic did not attend the meeting because of Komsic “who was elected a Croat member of B&H Presidency dominantly with Bosniak votes, owing to a monstrous election system”. The EU delegation besides EC President von der Leyen is composed of: Director-General of the Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Gert Jan Koopman, Diplomatic Advisor (in EC President’s Cabinet) Fernando Andersen Guimaraes and Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler. PM Rutte is accompanied by: Diplomatic Advisor for European Affairs Said Fazili, Director General for European Cooperation Anita Julia Ida Van den Ende and Ambassador of The Netherlands to B&H Henk Van den Dool. PM Plenkovic is accompanied by Chief of Cabinet Zvonimir Frka Petesic and State Secretary for Europe Andreja Metelko- Zgombic.


B&H Presidency issues statement after EU delegation visit: EU delegation visit is to encourage everyone in B&H (Oslobodjenje)


Following the meeting with President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, Prime Minister of Netherlands Mark Rutte, the B&H Presidency issued a press statement, stating that this visit confirms dedication to European perspective of B&H. Members of the B&H Presidency informed the collocutors about the progress that B&H has made and efforts made to fulfil the conditions for further progress on the EU path. In this regard, the B&H Presidency underlined extreme importance of the following step on the EU path and expressed expectation that the EC will give positive opinion and recommendation, based on which the EU Council will reach a decision on opening of the talks. “Commission President Von der Leyen and Prime Minister Rutte welcomed the decision of the European Council from December 2023 about opening of the talks, with necessary progress and harmonization with the criteria for membership. They stated that today’s visit aims to encourage everyone in B&H to use the current situation in the continent and positive momentum within EU, in order to achieve progress on the EU path. They also discussed the EC Growth Plan, which regards the Western Balkans, and which opens the door toward the single European market through seven key sectors. Members of the B&H Presidency welcomed adoption of Growth Plan, underlining its importance for economic development and progress, to benefit all citizens in B&H. They underlined dedication to dialogue, reforms and European path of the country,” reads the statement.


EC President von der Leyen, Dutch PM Rutte and Croatian PM Plenkovic meet High Representative Schmidt in Sarajevo (Oslobodjenje/BHT1)


President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, Prime Minister of Netherlands, Mark Rutte, and Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, paid a visit to B&H on Monday. On this occasion, they met with High Representative Christian Schmidt. Plenkovic posted on X platform and said that they discussed the current political situation in B&H during the meeting with Schmidt. “The reform and European path is crucial for stability, functionality and development of B&H. At the same time, it is important to reach a political agreement on the electoral reform and secure equality of the three constituent peoples”, Plenkovic noted. After the meeting, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) issued a statement on ‘X’ platform and wrote that “extremely important talks about B&H's perspectives were held”. “B&H authorities have an opportunity to complete the groundwork for vital reforms to improve the rule of law and election integrity and launch the historic process for B&H to engage in official negotiations towards full membership in the European Union”, the OHR’s statement reads. BHT1 reports that Schmidt said if B&H opens accession negotiations with the EU in March, all local politicians must say beforehand that B&H will be a sovereign country, noting that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik must sign “a loyalty statement”. The reporter notes that Schmidt also said that B&H should fulfil everything requested by the EU, a sovereign B&H being one of the requirements.


HR Schmidt: Dodik will have to sign statement on loyalty to state of B&H (Oslobodjenje/TAZ)


In an interview to German Tageszeitung (TAZ), High Representative Christian Schmidt said that if negotiation with the EU are open in March, then they have to be connected with statement of Milorad Dodik about loyalty to state of B&H. Journalist asked whether after celebrating of 9 January - RS Day- at which less than 1,000 people gathered, Milorad Dodik’s threats on secession can be taken seriously, Schmidt said: “This is probably the most difficult issue, because you can be either right or wrong here”. Schmidt said that Dodik is still preparing the autonomy when it comes to legal organization and when it comes to Election Law and all this culminates in attack on existing institutions of joint state, Constitutional Court and even Office of the High Representative. Asked what will happen if Dodik does not accept the mentioned statement on loyalty, Schmidt said: “Everyone wants the negotiations and Dodik recently underlined that. This means, if the EU sets conditions, then they have to be fulfilled- most notably when it comes to issues such as functioning of Constitutional Court”. Journalist asked whether all conditions have to be met before opening of the accession negotiations or everything is out in the open, Schmidt said that he deems that Dodik will try to make deals on this or that issue: “However, it has to be clear, there are conditions which cannot be negotiated on. This includes Constitutional Court, this includes functionality of the state, including foreign policy, but also accepting of current laws and regulations”. Asked if the red line exists, Schmidt said: “I say they need to let go of the Constitutional Court, there is no space for actions there, the laws have to be implemented. The issue of rule of the law, cooperation with Europe are at the very top. Also, I think that it is high time to respect judgements of ECHR, such is the one in ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case and other necessary changes of B&H Constitution”. Schmidt said that Dodik developed autocratic structures and that many people in Banja Luka are clear that he manipulated the results in the last elections. He also noted that “autocratic forces and structures, which resist every change toward rule of law, do not exist only in the RS”. He added that election fraud has to be prevented by identification of the voters who lost the trust: “Scepticism is high and we now have to do something… Our interest is to have true opinion of the people reflecting and conveying onto the political organization”.


Dodik: Schmidt embarrassed himself by illegally coming to B&H and falsely presenting himself (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that Christian Schmidt embarrassed himself by illegally coming to B&H and by falsely presenting himself. When asked to comment on Schmidt's statement that Dodik should sign a declaration of loyalty to the state of B&H, Dodik replied that everything Schmidt later did and said, including that statement about loyalty, was a serious compromising of the state of Germany and its values. Dodik was quoted as saying: “For 30 years, we have listened to foolishness from legal High Representatives, now also from those who falsely present themselves. I do not believe that Germany can suffer the collapse of its reputation for a shorter time due to the fact that one German does not know what to do with himself.” Commenting on the latest statement of Schmidt, who said that start of the accession talks with EU should be linked to Dodik's declaration of loyalty to the state of B&H, Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) stressed that it is a nonsense, adding that Schmidt will give the biggest contribution to the EU path of B&H, the country’s stability and progress one he leaves B&H for good. Cvijanovic stressed that Schmidt’s goal is not an organized B&H, but a politically unstable country in which he will be able to “hunt in the dark and thus justify his illegal presence and fantastic salary in B&H.” “He is not in a position to set red lines or interfere in political processes in B&H because this is job of B&H institutions and democratically elected leaders”, Cvijanovic concluded.


Russian Embassy in B&H says Lagumdzija's vote in UN represents harmful move for relations between Russia and B&H (ATV)


The Russian Embassy in B&H stated the vote of B&H Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija for, as they said, an anti-Russian pamphlet in the UN Security Council represents a harmful move for friendly relations between Russia and B&H, which is a move made despite the constitutional provision on the leading role of the B&H Presidency in the field of foreign policy. Regarding Lagumdzija's move on Monday, the Russian Embassy expressed hope that the politicians in B&H who are blindly following the Western neo-colonial course will give up on unilateral and illegitimate moves that do not correspond to the real interests of the citizens of B&H.


Milanovic expresses support to agreement of Covic, Dodik and ‘The Troika’, criticizes statement of US Embassy (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic welcomed the efforts undertaken by the legitimately elected representatives of the authorities in B&H to amend the Election Law of B&H, evaluating as unacceptable the statement of the US Embassy in Sarajevo linking these amendments to the Constitution of B&H, the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia announced. The agreement on the amendment of the B&H Election Law, which is well on its way to being reached after the recent meeting of the leaders, is the only correct way and the only way to stabilize the political situation in B&H, Milanovic assessed. The Croatian President called on B&H leaders to independently continue discussions and agree on changes to the Election Law. He assessed that interventions from outside and the imposition of solutions on three constituent peoples do not contribute to the stabilization of B&H. “That is why it is unpleasantly surprising that even now we are witnessing attempts to make it difficult or even to prevent the agreement on the amendment of the Election Law, which is an important part of the broader solution for the functioning of B&H and progress towards the EU. Statements, such as the one from the US Embassy in Sarajevo, which unnecessarily link amendments to the Election Law to amendments to the B&H Constitution are unacceptable to Croatia and can be interpreted as an attempt to obstruct a solution that would ensure equal and legitimate representation of the Croat people in B&H authorities”, reads the statement of the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia. “The agreement on amending the B&H Election Law – which is well on its way to being reached after the recent meeting of the leaders of HDZ B&H, SNSD, SDP, NiP and Our Party – is the only correct way and the only way to stabilize the political situation in B&H.  The proposed amendments to the B&H Election Law, discussed by the democratically elected representatives of B&H authorities, would guarantee the Croat people in B&H the right to elect their representative in the B&H Presidency, that is, that the Croat people be legitimately represented in the highest state body of B&H”, Milanovic stated. Milanovic claims that all previous interventions in the election legislation of B&H that came from outside or were imposed against the will of the elected representatives of the three constituent peoples, did not contribute to the stabilization and better functioning of B&H, instead, as Milanovic said, they additionally turned B&H into a protectorate and halted BiH’s democratic progress, creating dissatisfaction and opposition.


Plenkovic’s Cabinet: The PM’s stance to not meet with Komsic is consistent (Hina)


The Cabinet of the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated for Hina on Tuesday that “a stance of the Croatian Prime Minister Prime to not meet with Zeljko Komsic, who was not elected for a Croat member of the B&H Presidency with the will of the Croat people in B&H, is consistent”. The Cabinet added that Plenkovic acted the same during his working visits to B&H in 2021 and 2023, when he held meetings with members of the B&H Council of Ministers and the B&H Parliament. It was added: “Since the practice of outvoting the Croat people during election of the Presidency member repeated in 2022 general elections, the Prime Minister does not have an intention to change his approach.” Speaking about this morning’s incident in B&H Presidency and “avoiding of Zeljko Komsic”, Plenkovic said at the press conference on Tuesday that this is not about ignoring of institutions, but the things that we said earlier. “When it comes to the fact that I have not joined the colleagues in Presidency this morning, my move was in no way directed to demonstrate disrespect toward institutions, on the contrary owing to Croatia, this Europe team is in Sarajevo and not accidentally in this composition. My move regards the problem that exists in B&H since 2006. It repeated in 2010, 2018 and 2022 and regards the election of a Croat member of the B&H Presidency,” said Plenkovic. He repeated that Komsic was elected by majority vote of the other people: “We, as Croatia, are strongly against, not because we are against Komsic and the Presidency, but because we deem that it is important for equality in B&H to be demonstrated in elections process. He is a member of the Presidency who represents the Croat people, but without legitimacy and this is why we neither received his visit nor we visited him here.” To journalist comment that he met Komsic earlier, Plenkovic said that they met in informal capacity, so that he could ask Komsic “is he exactly Putin, in his words”. “How come out of all B&H’s friends that I am Putin in his words,” said Plenkovic, referring to talks with Komsic from couple of months ago, alluding to Komsic’s speech in UN General Assembly. In the end, Plenkovic said that his policy toward B&H is consistent, and he came in order to wholeheartedly help B&H.


Plenkovic, Rutte hold meeting in Zagreb: Support to European path of B&H highlighted (HRT)


Croatia is a key partner of the Netherlands for the policy of ensuring stability and security in the Western Balkans, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Tuesday at a joint press conference with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb. The bilateral meeting in Zagreb took place after the joint stay of the two prime ministers in Sarajevo with President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula Von der Leyen. This is the first time in 18 years that a Dutch prime minister has made an official visit to Zagreb. Among others, the support for the European path of B&H was highlighted, the excellent relations between the two countries, both political and economic, were confirmed, and the inevitable topic was the war in Ukraine. Unique support for Kyiv was once again expressed.


Plenkovic with religious leaders: Build trust among Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks in joint homeland through inter-religious dialogue (Vecernji list)


Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic held meetings with religious leaders during his visit to B&H. According to the daily, universal message from the meetings could be summed up in a sentence that B&H needs stronger dialogue among the peoples and believers. Archbishop of Vrhbosnia Monsignor Tomo Vuksic received Plenkovic at his residence, thanking Plenkovic for the assistance the Croatian government provides to Croats outside Croatia and the Catholic Church. Vuksic also thanked Plenkovic for the assistance Croatia provides on B&H’s EU path. Plenkovic and his associates also visited Reis-ul-ulema Husein effendi Kavazovic, who thanked the Croatian government on its support to B&H. On that occasion, Plenkovic again confirmed Croatia actively advocates and will continue to advocate the European path of B&H. Metropolitan of Dabrobosnia Hristozom also met with Plenkovic, on which occasion Hristozom called for need for unity between Serbs and Croats, both in Croatia and B&H.


Krapovic: If there is a need to increase the number of soldiers in Kosovo, it will be on the agenda (MINA)


By continuing to engage in multinational combat groups in Latvia and Bulgaria, Montenegro will contribute to the increased presence of allied forces on the eastern flank of the Alliance, said Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic. At the press conference after the meeting with the chairman of the NATO Military Committee Rob Bauer, he said that the very ambitious NATO agenda can only be realized if everyone contributes more. "This year's budget of Montenegro will be more than two percent of GDP in the field of defense. Over 30 percent of that budget will be spent on modernization, which is one of the priorities," Krapovic said. He pointed out that the stability and security of the Western Balkans are particularly important for Montenegro, which is why the country will continue to advocate even more strongly for European and Euro-Atlantic integration. "We will make additional efforts to promote cooperation in regional initiatives and strengthen good neighborly relations," said Krapovic. Krapovic said that Montenegro remains committed to the implementation of NATO's decisions, especially from the Summit in Vilnius, which predominantly represent the Alliance's reaction to the complexity of the situation and challenges on the global level. "I said that we will have an increased presence of allied forces on the eastern wing of the Alliance, and that Montenegro will contribute there by continuing to engage in multinational combat groups in Latvia and Bulgaria, and that we will continue participating in missions in Kosovo and Iraq," Krapovic said. He said that the approach of international actors in the region is coordinated and significant not only for preventing the escalation of tensions, but also for preventing the spread of malignant influences towards Montenegro. Krapovic pointed out that the credibility of Montenegro as a NATO member will be demonstrated through the continuity of support for Ukraine. As he said, during the mandate of the 44th government of Montenegro, it will be more than a credible member of NATO. Bauer, who is also the adviser on military affairs to the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said that the world is facing unprecedented conflicts and that is why it is extremely important that the Alliance strengthens its military capabilities. As he said, during the past seven years it has been shown that Montenegro's membership in NATO is good for Montenegro, the region and the Alliance. "Since joining NATO, Montenegro has taken important steps in the implementation of defense reforms," Bauer said. He pointed out that Montenegro has adapted its structures and forces to the needs of NATO and has also increased interoperability and regularly conducts exercises with other NATO allies. "You have made numerous contributions to our common security, and that includes sending troops to NATO military groups in Latvia and Bulgaria," Bauer said. He added that Montenegro contributed to NATO missions in Kosovo and Iraq. "Montenegro has announced that it will further increase defense spending in order to meet the NATO standard of two percent, of which more than a quarter will be set aside for modernization, which is very important because collective security starts from one's own home," said Bauer. As he said, NATO is the most successful military alliance in history, because of the peace they brought, the countries they united and the conflicts they prevented. Bauer pointed out that it is important to continue supporting the Ukrainians who are waging a great struggle. "Aid to Ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in our own security, because the outcome of the war in Ukraine will decide the fate of the world," Bauer said, adding that the war was never about Russia's security or the threat from Ukraine or NATO. Asked if the military training ground was discussed at the meeting, Bauer said that NATO requires countries to have certain capabilities in terms of troops, not training grounds. "If you have some countries that are not able to train certain troops, they usually go to other countries and ask other allies to help them and train together," Bauer said. As he said, article three of the contractual alliance is that it is the responsibility of each country to train its armed forces to be able to defend their country, while article five implies that countries help each other. Speaking about the military training ground, Krapovic said that the Montenegrin Army is currently training in Albania and North Macedonia. "At the beginning of my mandate, I clearly communicated the Government's position regarding the training ground in Sinjajevina, and now we are turning to other options and making assessments where we could have an adequate military training ground," Krapovic said and reiterated that there should be an adequate training ground in Montenegro. Asked if Montenegro is still viewed as a credible NATO ally despite the presence in power of structures that allies have warned are undesirable, Bauer said that NATO is looking at the armed forces. "As long as the countries do what they have committed to with NATO, it is not related to the government, the coalition or anything else. "Despite elections, political movements, allies protect each other within the alliance," Bauer said. As he said, they are concerned about the safety of the people within the alliance and for the past 74 years there have been many politically turbulent periods. "There were times when people wondered if the alliance would continue to exist, but we are still here and we are very strong, so political turbulence in the states is part of reality," Bauer said. He pointed out that NATO makes decisions by consensus and that in that sense they are true democracy. When asked how much of the budget this year will be allocated to support Ukraine, Krapovic said that the military, political and humanitarian support of Montenegro will continue. "There is no doubt that we will continue this as long as necessary," said Krapovic and added that they are negotiating with some of the Western partners about a joint donation to Ukraine in the military segment. As he said, Montenegro has already sent eight aid packages to Ukraine, worth around 11 million euros.


We will continue to send soldiers to Kosovo and Iraq

Asked why Montenegro does not make a decision to increase the number of soldiers in the KFOR mission and whether that decision has anything to do with the fact that it does not want to cause disagreements with the former Democratic Front, Krapovic said that such a decision can only be made in the parliament, on proposal of the Council for Defense and Security. "Until now, not a single session of the Council has been held since I have been a minister, so such a decision could not even have been made," said Krapovic. As for the increase in the number of soldiers in Bulgaria, he adds, this is a consequence of earlier decisions of the Council and the Assembly. "Whatever the demands and positions of the 44th government are, I will communicate with Brussels. KFOR is welcome as far as both sides are concerned - Belgrade and Pristina. If there is a need for an increase, it will be on the agenda", said Krapovic. He said that it is not a political issue, and that this decision should not be proposed on a political, but on a security and military platform. He did not communicate with Croatia about the ship Jadran. When asked if he had communicated with his Croatian colleagues about the Jadran ship and if a new meeting had been scheduled on that occasion, Krapovic said that he had not and that no meeting had been scheduled for now. He repeated that the ship Jadran legally and legitimately belongs to Montenegro. Asked about the demands of a large number of employees before the Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Disputes due to unpaid daily wages and whether he met with the Union of the Army and the Ministry, Krapovic said that the government was appointed at the end of the year and that he did not have time to concentrate on it, but they made an overview of the situation. "I still need to meet with the Trade Union in the next few days and I hope for the adoption of the collective agreement for the field of defense," Krapovic said.


Bauer: There is a real danger that Russia will attack a NATO member (RTCG)


Montenegro is a good ally of NATO, said the president of the Military Committee of the Alliance Rob Bauer in an interview for the RTCG. However, Bauer, who met with Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic, points out that all NATO members must contribute more to collective security, bearing in mind the situation in the world and the way Russia behaves.

He also claims that there is a real danger that Russia will attack one of the NATO members. "Time is no longer on our side, like when we participated in the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq. When it comes to collective security and in case you are attacked, then you don't have the advantage of choosing the timing. You have to be more prepared. The entire Alliance, including Montenegro, must do more, and that means more trained and prepared soldiers. More supplies, training and training. It was decided at the summit in Vilnius. A greater contribution to the alliance is necessary, both from Montenegro and from the other members," Bauer said. When asked if he recognizes more serious security threats than usual, Bauer says that Russia's ambitions will not stop at the borders of Ukraine. "That's why it's important that they don't win this war and that we stop that ambition." We must prepare for self-defense. If you are prepared for war, the chances of keeping the peace are much greater than if you are not. "I'm not saying it will happen tomorrow, but we have to better prepare for war with Russia," said Bauer.


Citizens being put to 'fundamental test' at upcoming elections, says Osmani (MIA)


The political landscape in North Macedonia has never been as polarized as it is ahead of the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, creating two camps – pro-European and anti-European front, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on Tuesday in Brussels in his address at the “Beyond Disinformation: Strengthening our societies against Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference” conference, hosted by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. “For the first time the most fundamental test is being put to our citizens – whether the EU ticket will remain the winning ticket in the Western Balkans, in elections,” said Osmani. According to Osmani, at a time when the main difference between the offers of the political parties is “EU or other alternatives”, the Union should stand in defense of the values that are supported by the majority of the citizens of North Macedonia, which, he said, are the values of the EU. “I believe that such a paradoxical situation when 80 percent of the citizens support EU membership, while we are still wondering whether the EU ticket will win at the elections, is a consequence of a disinformation campaign that comes mainly from Russia,” said Osmani, adding that it is a result of a long-term campaign which aims to move the Western Balkan countries away from their strategic goals. According to Osmani, the Western Balkan region is particularly vulnerable to foreign information manipulation and interference, “given that it’s a political non-EU island within the EU and due to the uncompleted EU-integration process and partially completed NATO-integration process”. The Foreign Minister said the open issues in the region, such as the separatist tendencies in RS, the mutual non-recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, and the growing nationalist rhetoric in North Macedonia, make the region a fertile ground for disinformation, and it is once again becoming a frontline between the West and Russia. “Russian aggression against Ukraine raised the awareness about the vulnerability of the Western Balkans. I noticed that just a few days ago [U.S.] President [Joe] Biden said if Russia is to win in Ukraine, what will happen in the Western Balkans? I think this was raising the alarm about the importance of Western Balkans in this regard, and I believe that the ultimate battle, even the battle of narratives and disinformation, will happen in the Western Balkans,” said Osmani. He said this is especially felt in North Macedonia, as a country which, he said, firmly stood in support of Ukraine and has fully aligned itself with the EU’s sanctions related to the Russian aggression, which, according to the FM, placed the country high on the list of Russian targets for hybrid threats. “This was immediately felt in the online space where disinformation was spread in order to reduce the trust in the institutions and traditional media, to incite hatred between people, which is very sensitive in a multi-ethnic environment, as well as inciting internal clashes and unrest,” added Osmani. Osmani said this was only an extension of what happened in the country in 2019 with the name-change referendum, when, he said, “the citizens were incited and urged to boycott the referendum”. “The referendum failed because the turnout threshold wasn’t met, but later we realized that the boycott wasn’t a result of internal political processes, but instead led by online bots by spreading hatred, while the mastermind of all this was outside of North Macedonia,” added Osmani. The FM said the country witnessed similar rhetoric before its NATO membership, as well as during the adoption of the “French proposal” for the beginning of EU membership negotiations, “which resulted in protests initiated as a result of a fake draft-document that wasn’t even close to what was agreed between us and Bulgaria”. “That’s why we need to be proactive in the fight against disinformation. North Macedonia was the first country in the region to adopt a comprehensive action plan to fight disinformation, drafted together with NATO and the EU,” stressed Osmani. Osmani said that Russia stands behind all attempts to undermine the country’s strategic goals, such as good neighborly relations and internal cohesion, which is why, he said, “NATO membership has proven to be especially important, because we became a part of the Alliance’s defensive umbrella, which also strengthens the resilience to disinformation”. The Foreign Minister said tackling disinformation and manipulation must be based on active transparency, publishing facts, modern communication and pro-activeness in the promotion of values such as diversity and solidarity. Apart from Osmani, the other panelists at the conference were the Chair of the 2020-2023 EP Special Committee on Foreign Interference in Democratic Processes (INGE) and Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Raphael Glucksmann; the Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy of NATO, Marie-Doha Besancenot; and the Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications of the United Nations, Melissa Fleming.


Kovachevski: Grubi was specific, pointed to Russia regarding strategic relations, these are facts everyone knows (MIA)


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi pointed out Russia was always against the country's strategic decisions regarding NATO and the EU; these are facts everyone knows, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in response to a reporter's request for comment on Grubi's accusation against Russia earlier on Tuesday during his remarks at the "Year of European Opportunities" conference. Speaking to the press after the opening of the two-day annual conference in Skopje, PM Kovachevski said the First Deputy PM was specific about the processes he was referring to. "Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi was very specific and pointed to Russia regarding the strategic decisions and processes that were made and are being made in the country and that Russia has always been against this," Kovachevski said.  "These are facts everyone knows. He didn't say it was about everything. He pointed out exactly which processes he meant, including the membership in NATO, promoting democracy, and the start of negotiations with the EU," he added. Grubi, in his remarks at the opening of the conference, had said that since the elections on 11 December 2016, and the formation of the government in June 2017, "this progressive community has faced many challenges." "Many challenges, under only one common name, only one motivating factor and only one center of inspiration, and that is Russia," Grubi had said. "If you recall, during the riots in parliament, there was a member of the Russian services with a colleague from a neighboring country inciting the protestors to enter and lynch the lawmakers, the newly elected parliament speaker, the person entrusted with the formation of the new government, and all MPs in the press room," he added. The only reason behind the security, energy and economic crises and inflation, according to Grubi, was Russia and its war against Ukraine. "Is there Russian influence in our religious communities? Look for the answer yourself. Is there Russian influence in our media? You already know the answer. Is there Russian influence in non-governmental organizations in our society? "You all know full well there are Russian exponents and elements doing all they can to disrupt the progressive parliamentary majority and coalition that wants to see this country a member of NATO and the EU and in steadfast friendship with America. "That is why we are trying to build this European front of unity, of progressive forces in the country," Grubi said in this opening remarks.


Would be wrong to be a part of gov’t and not vote for it, says Pendarovski (TV Alsat-M/MIA)


It is a political precedent and wrong to be a part of a government and not to vote for it, said President Stevo Pendarovski in an interview for TV Alsat-M on Tuesday, regarding VMRO-DPMNE’s opposition to Talat Xhaferi as prime minister in the caretaker government. “You either approve or disapprove of the caretaker government. You can say we don’t want to propose any people, but you can’t dispute the proposal for this government, which in line with the Law, is provided by the parliamentary majority. If they [the parliamentary majority] proposes Talat Xhaferi, then all you have to do is say whether you’re participating or not,” said Pendarovski. Pendarovski said he hopes that neither the government nor opposition will complicate things ahead of the election of the Przhino-style government. He said if the opposition fails to provide its candidates, or if those candidates don’t get the necessary votes at the parliamentary session, then instead of a caretaker government, the country will have a de-facto political government. According to the President, the election of the government should proceed smoothly, without issues from any party, so that it can begin its term 100 days ahead of the elections, i.e., by 28 January, in order for all institutions to function efficiently and in the interest of the citizens.


VMRO-DPMNE to announce names of ministers and deputy ministers in caretaker gov’t on Wednesday evening (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE is set to announce the names of their proposals for ministers and deputy ministers in the caretaker government after a session of the party’s Executive Committee on Wednesday evening, the opposition party told MIA on Tuesday. The party is expected to propose candidates for a minister of interior and a minister of labor and social policy, as well as additional deputy ministers of finance; information society and administration; and agriculture, forestry and water economy. The party’s Central Committee, in consultations with the Executive Committee and other prominent members of the party and broader social stakeholders, authorized the party’s leader, Hristijan Mickoski, to select the party’s members in the caretaker government. In line with the law, the caretaker government needs to be elected on 28 January, i.e., 100 days before the parliamentary elections which are scheduled for 8 May. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said he would resign on Thursday, while parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi, who is set to be the caretaker prime minister, will announce the date of his resignation as well as the date for the vote for the caretaker government, on Wednesday. As speaker of parliament, Xhaferi will be succeeded by SDSM’s Jovan Mitreski.


Osmani – Borrell: Necessary to maintain credibility of accession process through more integration before membership (MIA)


North Macedonia’s EU accession process, the internal political dynamics in the country and the state of play related to the country’s EU dossier were in the focus of Tuesday’s talks between Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and European Commission Vice President and EU High Representative Josep Borrell in Brussels. According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the meeting Osmani stressed the successful realization of the screening process, as well as the need to accelerate the EU accession process, which “serves as a motivation and driving force for reforms”. Additionally, the Foreign Minister touched upon North Macedonia’s full alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, stressing the need for accelerated integration with the participation in several configurations of the EU Council, increased assistance or progressive participation in the policies and benefits reserved for member states. “There is no alternative to full-fledged EU membership for the Western Balkans. What we now need is for the region to be ready for membership, and the Union for enlargement, i.e., to maintain the credibility of the process through more integration before membership,” said Osmani. “Interlocutors also touched upon the EU integrations in a broader regional context. They also spoke about cooperation and the tackling of the consequences of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine, the situation in Gaza and the Middle East and other ongoing issues related to foreign policy and security,” said the Ministry in the press release. In Brussels, Minister Osmani also had a chance to meet with the EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak.


EU-Albania meeting, appreciation on the progress of the integration reforms implementation (Radio Tirana)


The 17th meeting of the EU-Albania Association Stabilization Parliamentary Committee was held yesterday in Brussels with the participation of the MPs of the Albanian Permanent Delegation to the European Parliament. As it was informed before, Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani was also participating in the meeting. High representatives of the most important European institutions evaluated the country's progress in implementing reforms along the EU integration process, especially the achievements in the comprehensive reform in Justice. Emphasis was placed on the results achieved by independent Justice institutions and the continuation and consolidation of the results of the reform was encouraged too. Likewise, it was emphasized that the screening process, which confronted Albanian legislation with the Acquis Communautaire, has been completed successfully, also as a result of the professionalism and close cooperation between all the main Albanian institutions, including the growing contribution of the Assembly of Albania. During the meeting, it was discussed about the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans too, proposed by the European Commission. The said Plan was considered as the most efficient means by which the region will begin to gradually benefit greater access to the EU single market and reduce the economic development gap with the EU. The meeting underlined that the dialogue between political factors within the country constitutes an important element on the path of EU integration negotiations. Dialogue and cooperation with the European Parliament and EU institutions has been intensified and helps to advance the negotiations. The meeting ended with a Declaration of Joint Recommendations of the EU-Albania Association Stabilization Parliamentary Committee.


Rama starts a 2-day visit in Madrid, meeting with Prime Minister Sanchez (ART/Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama started this Tuesday a two-day official visit in Spain. The Albanian Radio and Television reporter, Denada Shkodrani informs that the head of the Albanian government has also held a meeting with his counterpart Pedro Sanchez, but it is not yet known what was discussed between them. "Madrid - With the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, one day before Albania's participation in the big global tourism fair 'FITUR Madrid," writes Rama on Facebook, while also publishing some photos. Rama is accompanied on this visit by Minister Mirela Kumbaro and the mayors of Durres, Lezha, Saranda and Gjirokaster. Meanwhile, , the Prime Minister will participate in the international tourism fair "FITUR 2024", organized under the auspices of King Felipe VI of Spain. Rama will hold several meetings with high representatives of the tourism sector, and with the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, Zurab Pololikashvili. Albania will present at this important event for tourism, its model of tourism diversity under the framework of sustainable development and in harmony with the environment. Under the slogan "Albania, all you need is here", Albania aims to attract visitors through the example of positive and sustainable practices in tourism that promote natural tourism destinations, local producers, ancient traditions, artisanal products and spiritual hospitality.


Albania and Kosova with a joint training and R&R facilities for the police officers (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Kosova will have a common training and R&R center for the police officers. This project was the focus of the meeting between the Albanian Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, and his Kosovan counterpart, Xhelal Svecla in Vlora. The two ministers visited the premises of the center will be built in a confiscated hotel in Vlora. "Together with the Ministry of Interior of Kosova, we will invest to turn it into a vacation hotel for the employees of the Kosovo Police and the employees of the Albanian State Police. Let this be a model of the things we will do together. Let the police officers of Albania and Kosova take vacations, training, and courses together. During the winter, we mainly do courses and training," said Balla. "I can freely say that we are side by side. Let's do it together, even for this season. To train and everything. The social aspect is very important. They should definitely enjoy some rest, and not only joint actions against crime," said Svecla. The construction space is over 3000 square meters, and it is one of the assets confiscated in the framework of the fight against crime and corruption, which are put by law to the use of state institutions. Ministers Balla and Svecla have agreed on behalf of both states to make this joint investment, where, in addition to rest and study facilities, it will include premises for other functions within the framework of police commitment against traffic.