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International Anti-Corruption Day marked in Kosovo (Radio Kosova)

On the International Anti-Corruption Day [9 December], head of Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency, Hasan Preteni, said that the year 2014 has not shown any significant progress in fight against corruption in Kosovo. Radio Kosova reports that according to Preteni, the Transparency International Report and Progress Report are unpleasant signals for Kosovo. "The field of combating corruption still remains problematic by the fact that this year we had a small number of indictments in the corruption field,” said Preteni.

War veterans demand the resignation of UP rector (Radio Kosova)

The KLA war veterans protest today in front of the Pristina University (UP) Rectorate, demanding the automatic admission of 1,000 students who are children of war  martyrs. Radio Kosova reports that the organizers of the protest, after a short confrontation with police, managed to enter the Rectorace and met with UP rector, Ramadan Zejnullahu, but they did not reach an agreement. According to Radio Kosova, the protesters threatened with violence in case that the rector Zejnullahu, did not resign.

Conference on youth participation in decision-making (Radio Kosova)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo is hosting a two-day conference in Pristina, on youth empowerment and participation in public life, Radio Kosova reports. Representatives of civil society and central and local level institutions from Kosovo and  Balkan region, as well as international partners, will discuss ways to best engage young people in decision - and policy-making, within the existing legal frameworks, as well as through volunteerism and social media.

The coalition agreement is postponed (Radio Kosova)

Sources within the coalition parties, Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) told Radio Kosova that the agreement for the new government is going to be delayed due to the outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, travelling to New York. Thaci will attend the meeting of the United Nations Security Council, which will present its quarterly report on Kosovo on 4 December, Radio Kosova reports.

Isufi: Kosovo needs serious politics (Radio Kosova)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) insists to be implemented the agreement of 10 June, achieved between Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), AAK, and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), later supported also from Vetevendosje.

Deputy Head of AAK, Ahmet Isufi, said that Kosovo needs serious politics and also sustainable institutions, which lead Kosovo forward, while he emphasized that no one can bring AAK and Ramush Haradinaj out of the game.

Pacolli: Soon an agreement with Serbia (Radio Kosova)

Rrahim Pacolli head of Kosovo delegation in the field of insurances, said to Radio Kosova that very soon it is expected to be achieved an agreement with Serbia.

According to him, this agreement with Serbia would allow Kosovo citizens to move also in Serbia. According to him, this opens the path for Kosovo to enter in the green card. Latest talks in Brussels between delegation of Kosovo and Serbia with facilitation of European Union, in the field of vehicle insurances, have given hope to Kosovo citizens that soon they can travel freely with green card across Europe.

PDK wants a political agreement between party leaders (Radio Kosova)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) expects to achieve an agreement among the political leaders for creation of Kosovo institutions. PDK as the winner of elections is decisive not to go to the Assembly without a political agreement . Coalition block's decision to give up the post of assembly speaker did not help on unblocking the situation.

Basri Musmurati General Secretary of PDK said that the session will be called immediately after an agreement, which according to him is expected to happen by next week, is reached.

Not known if UN will support petition for raped women (dailies)

The United Nations has not given any sign of significant support to the initiative which seeks justice for women raped in Kosovo during the conflict. The petition, which collected 120,000 signatures in July, requests the UN to draft a report and establish a tribunal which would prosecute these crimes. The initiator of this petition, Edita Tahiri, has not said when this petition will be sent as an official request to the UN. Additional details were not given by the Office of the Spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

International community frustrated with political crises (Radio Kosova)

Ambassador of Great Britain in Kosovo, Ian Cliff during a discussion organized from Group for Legal and Political Studies (GSJP), said that international community is frustrated with this political situation that reflects stagnation in every field. In the discussion it has been said that Progress Report has identified many challenges, therefore, Kosovo institutions should more seriously approach to the findings of this report.