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The hearing session may not have substantial impact (Radio Kosova)

On Thursday Kosovo Constitutional Court will hold public hearing session about the request of PDK on the constitutionality of the election of Isa Mustafa as Assembly Speaker. The hearing session that will be held on 21 August in Constitutional Court about the inauguration session of Kosovo Assembly, according to the constitutional experts it will have a procedural atmosphere and it cannot influence on the final decision of Constitutional Court.

International arrest warrant for Lavdrim Muhaxheri (Radio Kosova)

Interpol has received the request of Kosovo authorities that Lavdrim Muhaxheri to be included in the wanted system of the international police.

Placing of the Kosovar citizen in the wanted list of Interpol who is presently fighting with Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is confirmed for Radio Kosova from Basic Court in Ferizaj/Urosevac.

Lavdrim Muhaxheri is the next Kosovar who is posted in the wanted network of Interpol as a very dangerous person.

Kosovo should have a stable government says Daniel Serwer (Radio Kosova)

Kosovo should have a stable government and about this Kosovo political parties should have an agreement about priority issues that have to do with Kosovo, says American analyst for Balkans, Daniel Serwer. In an interview for Radio Kosova he talked also about international Tribunal, which according to him, will deal with committed crimes in Kosovo.

Belgrade blocks trial for committed crimes in Terrnje (Radio Kosova)

Families of the victims of Terrnje village, municipality of Suhareka/Suvareka, have informed the judge Mirjana Ilic, head of the Department for war crimes in Belgrade, at the same time the head of the Judicial panel in the file against officers Rajko Kozlina and Pavle Gavrillovic, for murder of 27 woman, children and elderly on 25 March 1999, that they will not take part in further proceedings because of the decision for the exclusion of representatives of the families, lawyers from Kosovo, reasoning this that they are not registered in the Bar Association of Serbia.

Kosovo is not endangered from Anthrax (Radio Kosova)

Dangerous disease of Anthrax that has killed six cows in Krusha e Madhe, Municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac has been prevented, said officials of the Food and Veterinary Agency. This disease has affected also five members of Hoti family from this village. Meanwhile, Officer in Charge of the National Institute of Public Health, Naser Ramadani, said that Kosovo is not endangered with outbreak of Anthrax. “In Kosovo we have two spots, one in Krusha e Madhe and another case in Malisheva/Malisevo. Both are isolated cases and do not present a danger for epidemic outbreak.

Bechtel: We have started with the work in the highway (Radio Kosova)

The information in some media that well known Turkish-American company “Bechtel & Enka” who signed 600 million contract for construction of the motorway Pristina – Hani I Elezit, has not started yet with the works, because the company is concerned if the contract is valid and to what content it is validity of the contract with the government in charge. Spokeswoman of „Bechtel & Enka“, Ela Ruci, in a statement for Radio Kosova said that information is not true. According to her, since 1 July when the contract was been signed, work started immediately.

Anti-Semitic rhetoric increased in Kosovo, says US Government report for religious freedoms (Radio Kosova)

In the yearly report of US Government for the rights and religious freedoms in the world during 2013 wit says that in Kosovo during last year it was noted a general increase in anti-Semitic rhetoric, In the report of US Department of State are mentioned imams Shefqet Krasniqi, Irfan Salihu and Enis Rama, while it underlines that the reelection of the head of Kosovo Islamic Community, Mufti Naim Ternava for the third term was manipulated. The report also says that the Government Constitution and politics in general have respected religious freedoms.

European Commission requests further efforts in the dialogue about visas (Radio Kosova)

European Commission presented today its second report about the progress of Kosovo on fulfilling requirements for visa liberalization roadmap. The Commission considers that Kosovo has achieved progress, however further efforts are required to obtain visa free travel for its citizens.

The report assesses Kosovo’s progress in each block of the visa roadmap and makes a set of recommendations for the Government of Kosovo to fulfill the roadmap’s benchmarks.