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Mandate of international judges in Constitutional Court until 2016 (Radio Kosova)

Kosovo Constitutional Court will continue to have under its composition three international judges until 31 June 2016. This is announced from the Office of European Union in Kosovo. Legally on 31 August this year it had to end their mandate. Legally at the end of August Constitutional Court should have changed its composition.

Austrian Foreign Minister says that EU should focus in the integration of Western Balkans (Radio Kosova)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, said that European Union should focus in the integration of Western Balkan countries. In an interview for the portal European Western Balkans he is cited to have said that integration of these countries is among main priorities of Austria. “With Euro-integration all issues will be closed all open issues in Balkans as the non-functionality of institutions in Bosnia or the relations Belgrade – Pristina,” said Kurz.

Krasniqi: Parliament speaker belongs to the biggest parliamentary group (Radio Kosova)

About the dilemma who have the right to form the government has been expanded to the post of parliament speaker, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have announced a single parliamentary group to win the right for the post of parliament speaker, according to the constitution and Assembly working regulation. PDK as wining party insists that the post of parliament speaker belongs to them, the same as the mandate for prime minister.

There are no complaints in the EPAC about the procedures in CRC (Radio Kosova)

Elections Panel for Appeals and Complaints (EPAC) has informed that presently there is no complaint connected with procedures in the Counting and Results Center (CRC), which is expected to give final elections results. This institution is preparing about the influx of complains from candidates of political subjects after announcement of final results.

Radio Kosova reports that final result could not be challenged from political subject or their candidates, if the actual trend of complaints continues like this.

The main opposition party continues to remain silent (Radio Kosova)

It still continues the silence of the Head of Kosovo Democratic League (LDK) Isa Mustafa about the acceptance of the results from the 8 June elections. Even that the party of Isa Mustafa didn’t come forward with an official statement, a candidate from this party, Bardhyl Meta, congratulated the Head of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Hashim Thaci for the victory in parliamentary elections.

Election campaign ends today at midnight (Radio Kosova)

At midnight ends election campaign for early general elections of 8 June. Political parties will continue with their final meetings with commitments for fast economic growth and with the creation of hundreds of thousands of working places. Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) has informed that they have made final preparations about Sunday’s elections. According to Xhemajl Pecani from CEC all sensitive election materials are ready and that it has started with the distribution of these materials in all polling stations.

UN Assistant Secretary for Peacekeeping Operations visits today mass grave in Rudnica (Radio Kosova)

United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, Edmond Mulet and the head of UNMIK, Farid Zarif, are visiting today Rudnica, the mass grave in Rashka, Serbia, where it is believed to have been buried 300 victims from the latest war in Kosovo, informs news agency Presheva Jone. The United Nations Delegation will be accompanied by the head of the Commission of Serbia for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic and representatives from Pristina and other international organizations.