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Western diplomat: Thaci could be indicted for war crimes this year (Koha)

As he gets ready to take on the post of Kosovo president, Hashim Thaci is facing mounting speculation of whether he could be summoned to the court due to open in The Hague this year, trying crimes allegedly committed by senior KLA members, Koha writes quoting an AFP report. The president-elect has expressed his “full support” for the new war crimes court, despite a question mark hanging over whether he himself will be indicted.

Next Kosovo president says 'nothing to hide' from war crimes court (AFP)

Pristina (AFP) - Kosovo's president-elect has pledged to "fully support" a new war crimes court prosecuting members of the guerrilla group he once led -- despite a question mark hanging over whether he himself will be indicted.

Hashim Thaci, elected by parliament in February as the next head of state, made his name as political leader of the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which fought against Serbia for independence in the late 1990s.

Kosovo charges three alleged Islamic State supporters (AFP)

Prosecutors in Kosovo have pressed terror charges against three alleged Islamic State group supporters, including two who went to the Syrian frontline to wage jihad, an official said Thursday.

The pair allegedly fought with the extremist group in Syria last year while the third "was propagating and recruiting people through Facebook to join IS," Liridona Kozmaqi, spokeswoman of the chief prosecutor's office, told AFP.