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Kosovo charges three alleged Islamic State supporters (AFP)

Prosecutors in Kosovo have pressed terror charges against three alleged Islamic State group supporters, including two who went to the Syrian frontline to wage jihad, an official said Thursday.

The pair allegedly fought with the extremist group in Syria last year while the third "was propagating and recruiting people through Facebook to join IS," Liridona Kozmaqi, spokeswoman of the chief prosecutor's office, told AFP.

PDK: Opposition violence has only political intentions (Kosvapress)

The leadership of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, has issued today a press release regarding the latest objections of the opposition towards the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

PDK leadership expresses concern regarding the events such as that of last night’s protest, considering them not democratic and very violent, which are according to this party done only for political purposes.

Government harshly condemns the attacks against the police (Kosovapress)

The government of Kosovo has expressed concern and regret for the violence exercised by militant groups of the opposition parties over the Kosovo Police and the other constitutional institutions, injuring seriously some police officials, casing damages to public and private properties and disturbing the citizens.

Massive EULEX and police action, 30 properties throughout Kosovo raided (

EULEX and Kosovo Police have started a massive action today at 05:00 a.m. throughout the entire Kosovo, and they are raiding 28 private properties.

Reliable sources within security institutions told this new agency that these private properties belong to judges, lawyers, attorneys, as well as people who do not carry public positions.

These individuals are suspected to have committed illegal activities, expropriation of different properties, mainly public.