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Constitutional Court to announce ruling on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities next week (Gazeta Blic)

Citing unnamed international sources, the news site reports that the Constitutional Court will soon announce its ruling on the constitutionality of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “In a matter of days, the Constitutional Court could announce its ruling on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Maybe even next week,” the source said. The source also added that the court will announce the ruling before the eventual recommendation by the European Commission for visa liberalization for Kosovo.

Vetevendosje MP Albin Kurti sends second letter from prison (Gazeta Blic)

The news site reports that Vetevendosje MP Albin Kurti, who was arrested by Kosovo Police on Saturday, has sent a second letter from the High-Security Prison. In his letter Kurti argues that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities is the next and decisive stage of ruining the state of Kosovo. “The Association is a natural result of the Kosovo Government’s approach. What is the value of Kosovo’s independence if it will be followed by a model similar to that of Bosnia? This government must be stopped.

Kelani: Police to arrest MPs if they appear in 28 November rally (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo Police spokesperson Baki Kelani, told the news site that the MPs for whom there are arrest-warrants issued, can be arrested by the police if they appear in the opposition’s rally on 28 November or in any other environment. "Kosovo police is obliged to implement all arrest warrants,” Kelani said. He said Kosovo Police is determined to provide safety and security for all the citizens.

Thaci believed to be responsible for Kosovo’s failure to join UNESCO! (Gazeta Blic)

Unnamed international sources told the news site today that Kosovo’s Foreign Minister and First Deputy Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, is believed to be responsible for Kosovo’s failure to join the UNESCO. According to these sources, without receiving prior signals from Kosovo’s friends, Thaci tried to force his way to the post of Kosovo President by attempting to secure Kosovo’s membership of the UNESCO. “Without certain votes and without a ‘go-ahead’ from countries that support Kosovo, Hashim Thaci decided to apply for UNESCO membership.

Gjini: Assembly will be blocked, opposition has strategic plans for protests! (Gazeta Blic)

Ardian Gjini, deputy leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), in an interview for the news site, said the opposition bloc is determined not to allow the normal functioning of the Kosovo Assembly until the Government withdraws its signatures from the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “The opposition is confident that these two agreements are highly detrimental to Kosovo and should not be implemented,” he said.

Abrashi: Demarcation with Montenegro does not violate Kosovo’s territory! (Gazeta Blic)

In an interview for the news site, Arban Abrashi, Kosovo’s Minister for Labor and Social Welfare and spokesman for the Kosovo Government, said that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro is in full compliance with the Constitution of Kosovo. He argued that the agreement does not violate a single meter of Kosovo’s territory and that Montenegro has no territorial tendencies toward Kosovo. “However, if the Constitutional Court finds that the border demarcation agreement is in violation with the Constitution, we will respect its decision,” he added.

Pacolli: Kosovo needs new elections (Gazeta Blic)

The New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) leader Behxhet Pacolli said today that the Kosovo government should resign and make way for early parliamentary elections. “I am confident that the country does not need the recent events and sights at the Kosovo Assembly. The people of Kosovo today are faced with survival problems and the Mustafa government has failed from its first day in office. In order to save the country from a deeper crisis and from eventual riots, I believe the government should resign and new elections should be held,” Pacolli wrote on his Facebook account.

Grabovci responds to opposition’s call for early elections (Gazeta Blic)

The head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Adem Grabovci, told the news site that the opposition’s call for early parliamentary elections is nothing new. “Democracy has its rules and they must be respected. If these rules are not respected anarchy will happen and the PDK is not interested in sending the country to anarchy … If we were to go to early elections today, the opposition will lose the most. I can guarantee that the PDK will win again”. Grabovci said extreme choices by the opposition to get to power will only irritate the people.

Clashes between ruling coalition partners (Gazeta Blic)

Citing sources in the Kosovo government, the news site reports that there are serious clashes between the ruling coalition partners, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). Sources claim that some LDK ministers are slowly removing PDK people from key positions and trying to replace them with LDK members. “Some changes that [Finance] Minister Abdullah Hoti has made in the Kosovo Tax Administration and in the Kosovo Customs have triggered a rebellion by the PDK,” sources within the government said.

Publication as smear campaign (Klan Kosova/Gazeta Blic)

Klan Kosova’s executive director Baton Haxhiu writes in an op-ed that there is not list of possible indictees of the special court. “There are only witnesses and over 200 interviews and allegations of possible crimes”, he writes. All else is speculation and part of smear campaign against certain individuals, adds Haxhiu. He claims that the list that has been making rounds in the media circles has managed to trick many media outlets into reproducing it, including his television network, and this has seriously violated professional ethics.