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EU Office in Kosovo welcomes the ratification of the SAA (Gazeta Express)

The European Union Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative today welcomed the ratification of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the EU. In a press statement sent by the EU Office, it was said that the ratification of the SAA is a major step forward on Kosovo’s European path.

Simic: SAA important for Kosovo and the region (Gazeta Express)

Serbian List parliamentary group chief, Slavko Simic, said today that the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) is an important step for Kosovo itself and the entire region. Promising a constructive contribution to the realization of the requirements of the SAA, Simic specifically stressed the benefits towards economic development and entrepreneurship in Kosovo.

Kosovo Assembly to ratify the SAA on Monday (all media)

The Presidency of the Kosovo Assembly scheduled the next plenary session for Monday 2 November, in order to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA). The news was confirmed by Aida Derguti, member of the Presidency from Vetevendosje Movement, who said that the Presidency has agreed to hold a plenary session on Monday for the ratification of the SAA. The session will start at 10:00. However, Derguti emphasized that the opposition will block the other session with other points on the agenda, scheduled for the same day starting from 13:00.

Jahjaga to address Constitutional Court this week in a bid to resolve political crisis (Gazeta Express)

President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga is expected to send to the Constitutional Court agreement on the establishment of Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities in an effort to resolve the political situation in Kosovo, sources said. Jahjaga will ask the Court to interpret Pristina-Belgrade Brussels agreement reached between the prime ministers. “The President is convinced that the Constitutional Court, through interpretation of the agreement, will create a new political environment, more suitable for dialogue between the two sides,” the source added.

Serwer: Opposition risking to face harsh state measures (Gazeta Express)

Daniel Serwer, former U.S. diplomat and expert for Balkan issues, analyzed in an interview for Gazeta Express, the recent developments in Kosovo and the blockade of the Parliament by opposition parties. He stressed that with its behavior, opposition is risking to face harsh state measures and lose support in polls. Serwer said that without winning the elections, the opposition cannot make decisions for Kosovo. He however adds that if opposition had the power, they would not request breach of Brussels agreements.

EU Office: Political parties to find solutions through dialogue (Gazeta Express)

The European Union Office in Kosovo, through a press release said that the President’s call for political dialogue is the right step towards resolving the political situation created in Kosovo. “President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga’s call for political dialogue in Kosovo is the right step towards resolving the current situation. We urge the political parties to show responsibility and find a solution through the dialogue for the sake of Kosovo’s future,” read the press release.

Assembly chairmanship gathers to decide on Thursday’s session (media)

The Assembly chairmanship gathered today to discuss the modalities of the Thursday’s session. The meeting was held without the presence of the heads of the parliamentary groups of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje movement and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA).

Thaci: Opposition must understand power isn’t won through violence (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister and Principal Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci writes on his Facebook account about last night’s incidents in downtown Pristina. “Unfortunately, the opposition continues to use violence in an attempt to achieve its political objectives. The leadership of the opposition must understand that power is won only through votes and in no way through violence. The lack of people’s trust cannot be compensated with political extremism.

State prosecution: Kurti was arrested for causing general danger (Gazeta Express)

The Office of the State Prosecutor of Kosovo issued a press release today saying that it has initiated investigations against certain members of the Kosovo Assembly suspected of having committed criminal offences: “causing general danger” (Article 365 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo), and “use of weapon” (Article 375 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo).