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Simic: Pristina’s draft resolution act against dialogue (RTS)

Srpska Lista member, Slavko Simic told RTS that the draft resolution proposal by which Pristina accuses Serbia of genocide is an act against the dialogue and normalization of relations. The absence of reaction from the international community, Simic perceives as a sort of support to Pristina, adding no one wishes to build better relations between Serbs and Albanians.

Simic: Brussels should exert pressure on Pristina (RTS)

Representative of Srpska Lista, Slavko Simic told RTS that tomorrow’s meeting of Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, PM Ramush Haradinaj and US Ambassador Philip Kosnett on taxes is of crucial importance, since the future of Belgrade and Pristina dialogue depends on it.

He also urged Brussels and Quint states to exert pressure on Kosovo leaders in order to revoke the taxes and make Kosovo Albanians sit at the negotiation table in Brussels.

“Kosovo army – lighting of political fire, region would feel smoke” (RTV KIM)

“Srpska Lista (SL) expects that EU and the entire international community until Friday would exert strong pressure on Pristina, so the latter gives up on legal arrangements on creating the so-called Kosovo army,” member of SL Slavko Simic said, RTV KIM reports.

Simic: We invest in peace and Pristina in destabilization (RTS)

Representative of the Serbian List Slavko Simic told RTS that the attempt to transform KSF into the Kosovo Army is not acceptable to Serbs who expect this to be unacceptable for the international community also.

Slavko Simic said that the position of the Serbian List is clear and that they are against the violation of Resolution 1244.

Simic against draft law on the formation of the Kosovo army (RTS)

A member of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency and a member of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic, voted in today's session against the agenda and proposal to forward to the parliament the three draft laws on the transformation of KSF into the army for consideration, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Serbs dissatisfied after the meeting with representatives of the Quint (Kontakt plus radio, TV Most)

Serbian media based in Kosovo reports that the Serbian List caucus held a meeting with representatives of the Quint. Although the ambassadors were not present at the meeting, the Serbian List MPs asked a pressure to be exerted on central institutions in order that Serbs and other non-majority people are protected in the areas in which the past few days, ethnically motivated attacks were recorded.

Simic: Serbian list in opposition (Vecernje Novosti)

Spokesman of the Serbian List Igor Simic assesses as insinuations the Pristina's media reports that the Serbian List did not left the government finally.

- Our ministers are in resignation, deputies in the opposition. The Serbian list is therefore in the opposition - Simic claims in a statement for the Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti, reminding that the Serbian List announced the abandonment of Kosovo institutions after the arrest of Marko Djuric, director of the Office for KiM, on 23rd March in North Mitrovica.

Simic: Serbs and Albanians pillar of peace and stability (KIM radio)

"Relations between Serbs and Albanians on the rise," said Kosovo Parliament vice-president Slavko Simic during a meeting with Albanian Parliament Speaker Gramoz Ruci, KIM radio reports today.

Kosovo Parliament Vice President Slavko Simic met with Albanian National Assembly Speaker Gramoz Ruci during a two-day visit to Kosovo.

Nataliya Apostolova: The time needed for ZSO (RTK2)

Members of the Serbian List met with the head of the EU office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova. During the meeting, they explained how they will perform in this assembly, and pointed out the key problems that Serbs from Kosovo are facing, reports RTK2.

Slavko Simić: Great Responsibility in Parliament (KiM Radio)

Newly elected Kosovo Parliament Vice President Slavko Simić says that he is honoured and pleased that he was nominated and elected deputy chairman of the parliament.

"For me, a great responsibility and obligation, to make efforts, in the coming period through the Presidency and the Parliament, to protect Serbian national interests and improve the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija through organized political activity with the parliamentary club of the Serbian List,'' wrote Simić on Facebook.