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Jokanovic: Question is if Interpol would accept what was issued (Radio KIM)

Following the media reports that Pristina has issued an international arrest warrant for Srpska Lista Deputy Chair, Milan Radojicic, his lawyer Zivojin Jokanovic in a phone statement to RTV KIM said that anyone can issue a warrant, however the question is would Interpol accept it or not.

Jokanovic also said he has not been officially informed about issuing an arrest warrant against his client. “I am not informed if it was issued, therefore I would rather not comment until I receive any information.”

Pristina issued international arrest warrant for Milan Radojicic (Tanjug, B92)

Court in Pristina has issued an international arrest warrant for Srpska Lista Deputy Chair, Milan Radojicic Serbian media report referring to Pristina-based Koha and KTV media outlets.

Pristina suspects Radojicic of involvement in the murder of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) leader Oliver Ivanovic. Pristina also suspects that Radojicic is hiding in Serbia.

As Pristina-based media reported earlier Radoijicic offered to the Pristina prosecutor Syle Hoxha to interview him in Belgrade, however the prosecution did not accept that.

Serbian PM Brnabic on situation in northern Kosovo, Pristina’s tariffs (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today Belgrade was warning over the last seven months on possible consequences of the Pristina’s tariffs imposed on goods from central Serbia, Tanjug news agency reported.

According to her closure of the shops in the north is such consequence, adding that Belgrade at any moment would be ready to help its people in Kosovo. She also noted alternative ways to supply the goods were cut off, and there were even shootings at the trucks transporting the goods and yet nobody reacted.

All shops in northern Kosovo closed (RTS)

As a sign of protest against the trade blockade and 100 percent tariffs that Pristina imposed on goods from central Serbia all shops in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are closed, RTS reports today.

Bakeries, petrol stations, pharmacies, beauty salons, restaurants and coffee bars are closed as well. Citizens were making reserves over the last couple of days while Chairman of the Businessmen Association from northern Kosovo, Rados Petrovic said the measure would remain in force as long as Pristina does not lift the tariffs.

DSS: Pristina and irresponsible Serbian politics responsible for situation in northern Kosovo (Danas)

Opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) assessed yesterday that the current state of supply of the population and security in the north of Kosovo are the consequence of Serbian authorities’ politics since 2008 and arrogance of Pristina institutions, Danas daily reports.

DSS said Pristina has support by the US and the EU that in any way, including the violence and anti-civilization tariffs, use and misuse a wide spectrum of enforcing the statehood of self-declared Kosovo, opened by wrong Serbia’s politics over the last decade.

Detention of arrested persons in northern Kosovo extended (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)

Detention of arrested persons in the northern Kosovo at the end of May was extended for two more months, lawyer Milos Delevic told Radio kontakt plus.

Kosovo special police units arrested 30 persons on 28 and 29 May, among them 19 members of the Kosovo police.

Delevic told Radio kontakt plus that Basic Court in Pristina extended detention of arrested persons for two more months, adding the defense lawyers are yet to receive decisions, after which they would file complaints.

Petrovic: Shops in north to be closed as of Monday (B92, Tanjug)

Chair of the Association of Businessmen in northern Kosovo Rados Petrovic has confirmed that as of Monday, July 1 shops in the north of Kosovo including kiosks and bakeries will be closed, B92 reports.

He added this was decided in a meeting of businessmen due to imposed tariffs on goods from central Serbia that Pristina institutions imposed seven months ago. On Thursday Petrovic also urged the international community “to stop Pristina,” saying the tariffs brought inhabitants of the northern Kosovo on a verge of the humanitarian disaster.

Petkovic: Serbian people on verge of humanitarian disaster (RTS)

RTS reports this morning there are less and less basic commodities available in the shops in the north of Kosovo. Office for Kosovo and Metohija Deputy Director Petar Petkovic told RTS Serbia is doing its utmost to help its people, although Pristina tries to make the position of Serbia more difficult in any possible way.

RTS correspondent from Mitrovica North reported there was no delivery of goods from central Serbia dedicated for daily consumption in the north and other Serb-populated areas south of the Ibar River.

Humanitarian crisis, entrepreneurs’ memo, solidarity of traders, propaganda, silence…? (KoSSev)

Serbian officials and entrepreneurs have been warning that the north of Kosovo is a step away from “a new humanitarian catastrophe“, KoSSev portal reports today.

Meanwhile Kosovo officials and Pristina-based media claim it is an attempt to stage a humanitarian catastrophe.

Both official sides agree on one thing – “We will not allow it.“ But what do those who buy or sell products every day have to say?

Djuric: Pristina’s pressure against Serbs increases (RTV Puls, TV Pink, Politika)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric expressed concern today over additional pressure Pristina exercises against the Serbs in the north, adding Albanians cut off the channels of supply of basic life commodities from central Serbia.

Djuric told TV Pink the shortage of some commodities in the northern municipalities started and noted that Serbia will find the way to deliver the goods to its people in Kosovo.