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Regional projects in the shadow of politics (RTS)

Since the beginning of the year was announced several important multimillion infrastructure and other projects related to the region i.e. the highway Belgrade-Sarajevo, the Niš- Albania highway, and the last the Customs Union in the Western Balkans. Meanwhile, political issues have erupted to the foreground - from the crisis in Kosovo, the attempt to revise the verdict (BiH against Serbia for genocide), to the crisis in FYROM, in what Serbia is directly or indirectly involved. The RTS has checked how this reflects on major projects, i.e.

Reality Check (BalkanInsight)

Political crises frequently crowd out economic problems from the news agenda in the Balkans, but this week we bring a number of important economic and business themes to the usual mix of political and diplomatic intrigue from the region.

Local and international observers of Bosnia are typically preoccupied with the country’s constant political crises, whether they be induced by talk of secession referendums, constitutional reorganizing of the country or the semi-permanent paralysis of its institutions.