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European Union, neither strict nor fair to Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

Besa Shahini, analyst with the European Stability Initiative think tank, writes in an opinion piece that it is difficult to actually pinpoint whether technical criteria of the visa liberalization process are being implemented in Kosovo as the assessment from the European Commission contains a vague vocabulary. The latest assessment of July 2014 speaks about the progress and recommendations for the future but, according to Shahini, it does not give clear evaluation of whether the necessary requirements were met or not.

EU: Kosovo government to prevent irregular migration (Radio Kosova)

Milica Petrovic, the European Commission Press Officer for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, told Radio Kosova on Thursday that the government of Kosovo should take strict measures to prevent the irregular migration. According to Petrovic, Kosovo government should increase its information campaign for immigrants; strengthen border controls in accordance with fundamental rights; investigate bus companies that allow travel from Kosovo and to strengthen operational cooperation with countries of transit and destination countries.

European Commission supports the agriculture sector in Kosovo (Zeri)

The municipality of Podujeve/Podujevo received a grant from the European Commission, to establish a Center for the collection, storage and processing of fruits and vegetables. Mayor of Podujeve/Podujevo, Agim Veliu, signed a contract with representatives of the European Commission in Kosovo, for the implementation of this project, in value of 483 thousand euros. Veliu considers this grant as a very important investment for the agriculture sector in Kosovo.

"EU seeks alignment not only on Ukraine" (Beta, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

BRUSSELS -- The European Commission is asking Serbia to harmonize its foreign policy - "a possible hint of pressure on us to impose sanctions on Russia," writes a daily.

Apart from the Ukraine crisis, Belgrade is also expected to align its policy with that of the EU on Iraq and Syria, the Vecernje Novosti newspaper writes.

The European Commission will present a specific demand to this end, the article adds, and interprets this as "possibly meaning there will be increased pressure on Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia."

EC report says Kosovo faces numerous challenges (Tanjug)

BRUSSELS - Kosovo has the capacity to move forward in EU integration, but it faces numerous challenges in combating organised crime and corruption and establishing the rule of law, the European Commission (EC) annual report on Kosovo presented in Brussels on Wednesday says.

The Kosovo authorities have displayed a solid capacity to coordinate plans for EU integration, the EC states, adding that Kosovo has completed the negotiations concerning the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and started the talks concerning a visa liberalisation.

Kosovo – good only for dialogue with Serbia (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, says that there is very little curiosity for this year’s European Commission (EC) progress report and one of the reasons for this is that there is no uncertainty regarding possible recommendations that will derive from the document. Now, when Kosovo has already closed negotiations for Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and can make no further integration steps without being recognised by five EU member states, the EC has nothing to recommend, claims Palokaj.

Djuric in Brussels on Chapter 35 (Blic)

Informal consultations concerning Chapter 35 will be held in Brussels on Sept. 5 between the Belgrade delegation, which will be headed by the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, and representatives of the European Commission's external relations office.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija told Beta that, after the fulfilment of obligations assumed in the fields of telecommunications and energy and in the creation of the draft statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, the picture regarding the report on Chapter 35 will be clearer.

Citaku and Rexhepi take part in the visa liberalisation dialogue (Telegrafi)

The fourth high-level meeting in the framework of visa liberalization dialogue between Kosovo and European Commission took place in Pristina today.

Kosovo delegation was led by Minister of European Integrations, Vlora Citaku, and Interior Minister, Bajram Rexhepi, while European Commission was represented by general director of internal affairs, Matthias Ruete, head of EU office in Pristina, Samuel Zbogar, director of the general directorate for enlargement, Jean Eric Paquet.