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KSF aims to increase community representation (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Security Force Ministry presented a strategy today aimed at increasing participation of non-majority communities. KSF Minister, Haki Demolli, said on the occasion that their goal is to have a multiethnic force and that at present KSF has an 8 percent community representation. The strategy, he added, is supported by international partners, including the U.S., and will be implemented in three stages.

The Serbian List refused 18 invitations to meet with the cabinet of the KSF Ministry (Telegrafi)

Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Haki Demolli, said that the Serbian List refused 18 requests to meet with the cabinet of the KSF Minister. “From April to July 2016, our cabinet sent around 18 invitations, be them by e-mail, written and different invitations. We have sent the invitation to ministers as well as to the Kosovo Assembly MPs from the Serbian List, in order to discuss the possibility of an agreement for their vote on constitutional mandates. We have never received a positive reply.