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Djuric: Jeremic handed over Kosovo and Metohija to Albanians "on plate" (TV Most)

Deputy Chair of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Main Board and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said yesterday Vuk Jeremic, leader of the Peoples’ Party (NS) handed over to the Kosovo Albanians international confirmation on the legality of unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo “on the plate,” TV Most reports.

In a written statement distributed to the media, Djuric said Jeremic should look in the mirror first before daring to say a word ‘grand-treason’ because he would see the face there that suits that description the best.

"Enough with what Hashim wants. Hashim depends on us" (Tanjug, B92, Blic)

"You, Hashim, depend on us. I'm pleading with you to talk, not to be saying what you want, and what you don't want." Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said this to Kosovo President Hashim Thaci during a joint meeting within the Brdo-Brijuni summit held today in Tirana, Albania.

Jeremic: Internationals will not let Vucic go down if he recognizes Kosovo (Danas)

Leader of Peoples’ Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic said Serbian opposition at no cost must fall prey to the temptation to silently support the Serbian President and leader of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Aleksandar Vucic in his intention to resolve the difficult Kosovo issue by an act of “grand-treason” hoping that afterwards the internationals would let him go down, Danas daily reports.

Vucic on Thaci and Rama: Albanians say impossible things and made Europe used to it (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

By constant repeating about their national unification Albanians succeeded to make it sound normal and nobody reacts to it any longer, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said commenting on the meeting of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci in Tirana yesterday.

Vucic made these remarks following his meeting with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, adding he conveyed to Mogherini his dissatisfaction, as he said, over strange occurrences between Tirana and Pristina such are the talks on the national unification of Albanians.

Thaci and Rama on “abolishing the borders“ and “creating Albanian space” (KoSSev)

While the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was preparing for his flight from Rome to Tirana and sending messages on the need to calm down the situation in the region, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said from Tirana that “it is time to create an Albanian space without borders and to sensitize the rights of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac to join Kosovo,” KoSSev portal reported.

Thaci sent this message after the meeting with Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama in Tirana yesterday.

Italy "understands Belgrade's position on Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was in Rome on Wednesday where he met with Italian Deputy PM and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. According to announcements, Vucic discussed the Kosovo-Metohija issue with Salvini, whom he sees as one of Europe's most influential politicians.

Despite a differing stance on the Kosovo issue, Italy understands Serbia's position, Vucic said in Rome after the meeting. He added they had discussed the issue and that Salvini had told him Italy - which recognizes Kosovo - wanted to be a part of a solution and to help in every possible way.

Vucic met Quint ambassadors and EU Delegation head (Tanjug, Dnevnik)

President Aleksandar Vucic met with ambassadors of Quint countries, USA, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany as well as Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.

During the meeting described as open and constructive Vucic told the ambassadors that Serbia, without any fault, was placed in a difficult position and he understands neither the tariffs Pristina imposed on goods from central Serbia nor passing the new resolutions against Serbia and Serbian people.

Vucic: Overthrow me in the streets, I won't recognize Kosovo (RTS, Blic, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic late on Tuesday spoke about possible solutions for Kosovo, but also about expectations from the upcoming meetings in Rome, and in Tirana. Vucic was a guest at the Serbian public broadcaster RTS show “Upitnik” where he spoke about solutions for Kosovo after the Berlin summit, noting that he does not want to deceive his people by speaking badly about Haradinaj and Thaci.

“Vucic prepares ground for legally binding agreement” (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said over the weekend that Kosovo will in the future get independence and sovereignty on its entire territory, not because he will recognize it, but because a solution he was offering did not pass, Belgrade-based daily Danas reports, adding Vucic did not precisely say what solution he was offering, and who has rejected what he has offered.