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Witnesses for KLA crimes relocated around the world (Danas)

Witnesses who will speak about the crimes of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) before a special tribunal are already under the protection programme, and many of them have been relocated around the world, learned Danas. As we were told by diplomatic sources, more than 400 people have already made statements about the KLA crimes, but probably approximately 30 will testify. Furthermore, the software containing all data on the cases to be dealt with by the Special Court is fully protected in Brussels.


KLA War Veterans threaten to protest next week (media)

Representatives of war veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army said on Thursday that they will start protesting next week against the government’s decision according to which veterans under 35 will be paid 130 euros a month, while those older than 35 will be paid 170 euros. War veterans claim that they had reached an agreement with the government to receive a monthly allowance of around 220 euros.


Journalist publishes extensive list of alleged suspects of special court (media)

Several news sites are reporting that Pristina-based reporter Milaim Zeka has published an extensive list of people who he claims will be tried by the special court. According to Zeka, the suspects are: Agim Ceku (PDK), Azem Syla (PDK), Hashim Thaci (PDK), Kadri Veseli (PDK), Xhavit Haliti (PDK), Shaip Muja (PDK), Ajvaz Berisha (PDK), Daut Haradinaj (AAK), Blerim Kuqi (AAK), Lahi Ibrahimaj (AAK), Rexhep Selimi (Vetevendosje), Fatmir Limaj (NISMA) and Bislim Zyrapi.

KLA veterans protest in front of Kosovo government building (media)

Several news sites report that around 50 war veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are protesting in front of the Kosovo government building in Pristina. Gazeta Blic reports that some war veterans threw bottles at Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and called him “thief” as he was entering the government premises. Indeksonline reports that some war veterans are inciting others to start a riot and a war veteran was reportedly heard telling others to fetch gasoline “in order to set the government building on fire”.

Fear from Jihadists in Mitrovica North (Vesti)

Many Serbs in northern Kosovo sent their children to the schools in central Serbia, because they are afraid that jihadists will attack Mitrovica North.  “Wahhabis have a strong foothold in the Bosnjacka Mahala for years, which is just a step away from our houses. They are often sending us messages, through intermediaries or phone, to move out, threatening that “it will be blood to the knees.” Threats are not harmless. Those are people who fought on the side of the KLA and who are now under the command of the Islamic state.

Kosovo Army again on agenda of Pristina (Vesti)

The attempt of Pristina to push an amendment on the formation of a new army of Kosovo together with other constitutional amendments causes destabilization of the region, claim the interlocutors of Sputnik.

According to Aleksandar Jablanović, president of the Serbian List, the intention of forming new armed forces in the region is especially dangerous because that armed formation should be composed of people whose past is controversial (former KLA members).

Could Thaqi and Haradinaj trigger early elections? (Politika)

Is the wish of Hashim Thaqi to again become Kosovo Prime Minister maybe the main reason why last Brussels round of talks didn’t result in agreement between Belgrade and Pristina? Will the establishment of the Special Court for crimes committed by KLA (whose leader was Thaqi) be a trigger to terminate the coalition with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and result in the new elections?

Kosovo Veterans Vow to Stop New War Court (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo Liberation Army veterans will protest against the creation of a new EU-backed court that will try ex-fighters suspected of war crimes allegedly committed during and after the 1998-99 conflict.

Veterans’ groups on Tuesday called for people to join them on a march through the streets of Pristina on Wednesday against the creation of the special court, which they say is an insult to the Kosovo Liberation Army’s wartime heroism.

KLA War Associations to protest tomorrow against special court (Lajmi)

The representatives of the KLA War Associations said in a press conference today that they will protest on Wednesday in Pristina against the establishment of the special court. Xhavit Jashari called on the members of the Kosovo Assembly not to vote in favor of the special court. He said Wednesday’s protest will oppose the injustice toward former KLA members and added that the special court will be a continuation of UNMIK and EULEX. According to Jashari, the special court will try to stain the fight of the KLA and will violate Kosovo’s sovereignty.

UNMIK Headlines 8 June

• Opposition to use protests and political actions against special court (Koha)
• Zbogar: Economic development, crucial for Kosovo (dailies)
• Nishani: Albanians are existential factor in Macedonia (Koha)
• Selimi calls for support for Kosovo’s UNESCO membership (Zeri)
• Special war in Presevo Valley (Zeri)