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Kadri Veseli’s secret mission (Zeri)

The paper’s editor Lavdim Hamidi, writes in an opinion piece today that the President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, should be held accountable for the latest developments in the Assembly. According to the author, Veseli should not call a session without creating workable conditions for it. "Even with unreasonable actions of the opposition trying to prevent the session, the ruling parties had the tendency to adopt laws in such conditions. This way of adopting laws will not contribute at all in unblocking the work of the Assembly.

Opposition issues joint statement on Assembly events (media)

The opposition bloc, consisting of the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), issued a joint statement on today’s events at the Kosovo Assembly.

“The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is ruining and bankrupting the state, by formalizing and legalizing Serbia’s power within the territory and institutions of Kosovo. This will destroy the Republic, the sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the wellbeing of the people. No one has the mandate or right to return Serbia to Kosovo. We will not allow this to happen.

Veseli: Kosovo has proved it is a country of peace (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, met today in Pristina with the Council of Europe’s Rapporteur for Kosovo, Agustin Conde. Veseli informed Conde about the developments in the Assembly and Kosovo’s commitment to strengthening the rule of law, transparency and parliamentarian democracy. “The Republic of Kosovo has proved it is a country of stability and peace, which respects the rights of communities and in this respect it is a model for countries of the region and beyond.

Veseli: Opposition is violating Assembly’s regulation (Koha)

The President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, during a round-table on the current approaches of the government and the opposition, stated today that the behavior of the opposition in the Assembly is a violation of the rules of this institution. “We have laws and Constitution, and also the Assembly has its own rules. The blockade is against all regulations and laws,” Veseli said. According to him, the opposition through its behavior is also blocking the adoption of many laws that are important for the people of Kosovo.

Opposition boycotts meeting of Assembly presidency (Kosovapress)

As announced, opposition parties – Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – boycotted today’s meeting of the Kosovo Assembly presidency. However, the other members of the presidency did set the dates for the upcoming Assembly sessions for 1 and 2 October. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said that the Assembly is the forum where opposition parties should voice their concerns. He said that the reporting of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to the MPs on the recent agreements with Belgrade has been set aside due to Mustafa’s visit to New York.

Janusz: Holy See recognizes new reality in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli in a meeting with Vatican’s apostolic delegate Juliusz Janusz spoke about relations between Kosovo and the Holy See. Archbishop Janusz said the Holy See recognizes the new reality in Kosovo and supports positive progress. The issue of Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO was also discussed and Archbishop Janusz said the Holy See has welcomed the joint letter of Kosovo religious communities urging the Vatican to support UNESCO bid.

Assembly to resume interrupted session tomorrow (media)

The Kosovo Assembly Presidency decided today that the last assembly session, which was interrupted on Thursday, will resume on Tuesday. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa will brief MPs on the latest agreements reached in Brussels. Assembly President Kadri Veseli called on opposition MPs “not to stage a theatre in the assembly”. He also said the government should be more correct vis-à-vis the MPs and not ask for the postponement of Mustafa’s report two days before the session.

Mustafa to report on Thursday to the Assembly on the agreements with Serbia (RTKlive)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, will report on Thursday to the Assembly of Kosovo on the agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade, in Brussels.

Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, called on opposition parties for a debate at the Assembly of Kosovo. Veseli said that the behavior of the opposition during the today’s meeting of the Assembly Chairmanship was not serious and their position was unclear.

Veseli commends the agreements, expects official reports (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli through a press statement welcomed the agreements reached in Brussels between Pristina and Belgrade and said he expects official reporting on the process and the content of the agreements. “We believe that the Government, which has all the legitimate authority to represent Kosovo and to make decisions in the dialogue with Serbia, is at the right level of political maturity and its responsibilities that derive from the Constitution of Kosovo.