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Delawie hails Kosovo government’s steps toward reconciliation (Koha)

The United States Ambassador in Kosovo, Greg Delawie, has congratulated Kosovo’s institutions for their steps toward reconciliation. He said the Truth and Reconciliation Commission must be independent and transparent and include citizens from all ethnic backgrounds. Delawie also said that individuals that are part of this commission and share their experiences must be given protection by the government and the commission. “The United States of America will remain your partner as long as you seek justice and the truth,” he added.

Pajaziti: Kosovo parties to speak in one voice (Koha)

Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Zenun Pajaziti, has called on all political parties to speak in one voice about the situation in the north and the dialogue with Serbia. He said the launch of debate on these issues is “a political agenda” and that Kosovo has more important things to think about such as European integration. Pajaziti also called on Kosovo Serb representatives to return to the Assembly.

Derguti: I asked ITU not to allocate prefix through Serbia (Koha)

Vetevendosje MP, Aida Derguti, has denied she asked the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) not to issue Kosovo a dialing prefix. She said that in a letter to ITU which is in the public domain, she spoke about the need to avoid getting the code through Serbia.
Derguti was responding to allegations from the Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, that an MP from Vetevendosje wrote to the ITU asking it not to allocate a prefix code for Kosovo.

Kosovo still unsure whether it will apply for UNESCO membership (Koha)

The government of Kosovo has not yet decided whether it will apply this year for UNESCO membership, the paper reports. Kosovo government’s work plan for this year mentions preparations for EU membership but not for UNESCO. Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said there is still no decision and it is early to speak about the issue. Asked to elaborate, he told the paper: “We have plenty of time. Whether we apply or not is a matter of state confidentiality.”

Serbian President has not received letter for exchange of territories (Koha)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has not received the letter of U.S. congressman Dana Rohrabacher suggesting that Serbia and Kosovo should exchange territories, whereby Serbia would get the northern part of Kosovo whereas the latter would get Presevo Valley. Officials at Nikolic’s office told Novosti Online that they heard about the letter only from the media and that they don’t know if it really exists.

Opposition calls for government’s resignation for not demolishing Mitrovica wall (Koha)

Three opposition parties – Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have called on the government of Kosovo to step down following the failure to abide by the Kosovo Assembly resolution for demolishing the wall in Mitrovica North.

In a joint statement, the opposition parties accused the government of “ignoring” the Assembly as the highest legislative institution in Kosovo. In addition, the opposition claimed that the government was pursuing the dialogue with Belgrade without any conditions and “utterly unprepared.”

Haradinaj: Dialogue only if Serbia recognises Kosovo (Koha)

In a telephone interview with AFP, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, currently in France pending a ruling on an extradition request from Serbia, said that there can be no dialogue with Serbia for as long as it continues not recognising independence of Kosovo. He said it was damaging that Pristina maintains an “inferior” and “servile” position towards Belgrade. “Only one issue is open for discussion with Serbia – recognition of Kosovo. If Serbia is ready to accept it, then we can sit down and talk. If not, we will have to wait,” he said.

Serbia expects change of Portugal’s stance on Kosovo’s bid for UNESCO (Koha)

During a visit to Lisbon, President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, said he hoped Portugal would change its position regarding Kosovo’s membership bid for UNESCO. “I spoke about this to the Portuguese culture minister and we can expect a change in their position because we see no reason for the Serb cultural heritage to move under Kosovo’s administration and protection,” Nikolic said.

Opposition parties against Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Koha/Telegrafi)

Representatives of three opposition parties – Vetevendosje, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – held a press conference today where they called for the halt of dialogue with Serbia. They said Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and President Hashim Thaci have no credibility to lead talks without the consent of the Kosovo Assembly. “How is it possible for the country’s leaders to make compromises for Kosovo on their own without asking us, the Assembly, the opposition. In fact, we heard of the meeting from the media,” said Vetevendosje’s Glauk Konjufca.