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US supports any democratic government (Zeri)

The United States will cooperate with any government that comes out of free, fair and transparent elections, said the US Embassy in Pristina regarding the decision of opposition leaders to come together in a coalition and prevent the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) from forming a government. According to US Embassy officials, internal political strategies and discussions on possible coalitions are issues that should be decided by Kosovo leaders. They also noted that the US expects the new government to be formed in accordance with the Kosovo constitution and laws.

A government on crutches (Zeri)

Editor Enis Veliu argues in his opinion piece that if the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Vetevendosje Movement do not enter a coalition with Hashim Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the latter will then have to form a coalition with Serb political parties and minority parties, which have a combined 20 seats in the Kosovo Assembly. “Furthermore, in order to secure a government on crutches, Thaci will also have to reach a deal with Fatmir Limaj’s political party,” Veliu writes.


“Serbian List” agrees to enter into coalition with PDK (Zeri)

Representatives of the Serbian List told the paper that they are ready to accept a coalition offer from Prime Minister Thaci. The Serbian List is expected to have eight seats in the Assembly, and another two seats will go to the Democratic Progressive Party led by Nenad Rasic. “We have yet to begin talks, but if the PDK wants a coalition with the winning Serb party, we will accept this. For the time being, we are waiting for the results, but meanwhile we can discuss coalition options,” a Serbian List member told the paper.

Kosovo has to wait for other victories (Zëri)

Arbana Xharra criticizes opposition parties of Kosovo for “assuring another four year mandate for Hashim Thaçi.” The final verdict of Kosovars is a clear message for the opposition: in order to be a real majority, you need to create a coalition, she says. Xharra considers that opposition party leaders  were in euphoria and illusions, each of them aiming Hashim Thaçi’s seat, “therefore they lost the momentum and allowed Thaçi to win, despite all the scandals and messages from the international community that Kosovo needs new political faces.

Losers in the campaign (Zeri)

The paper’s editor Lavdim Hamidi recalls promises that new mayors of certain municipalities made before they took office and declares that not only did they not fulfill them but instead of focusing on problems their municipalities have, they are all busy campaigning for their own parties.

Some of them can even be seen on billboards across Kosovo although they are personally not running in these elections, adds Hamidi.

Kosovo has slipped shamefully into corruption (Zeri)

In a front-page interview in Zeri, the German Ambassador in Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, says that Kosovo has shamefully slipped into corruption. According to him, words should be followed with actions, and the phenomenon of politicians not declaring their wealth should be tackled. “Corruption in Kosovo is present at all levels. Everyone knows someone who has paid bribes for an illegal construction permit, better grades for their children, or spots at the university,” Blomeyer said.


Campaigning on a funeral (Zeri)

Milaim Shefkiu in a column for the paper writes that the last days of election campaign are considered to be the most critical where the promises of political parties become even more absurd but at the same time outdated.

At this period, certain parties have entered a kind of a labyrinth and can’t find the way out while others are already dreaming what they’ll do once they come to power. At the same time, while everyone is busy campaigning, the work in the public administration has come to a standstill. But this, says Shefkiu, is not the worst thing in all this situation.

The north is not giving in (Zëri)

State symbols have once again created dilemmas for Serb leaders, with regards to whether or not they will participate in Kosovo’s 8 June elections. Srpska candidates from the six municipalities south of the River Ibër/Ibar will continue with pre-election activities, while the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo will not campaign. This was confirmed for Radio Free Europe by the mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic. He stressed that northern municipalities will not call on their citizens to participate in Sunday’s elections if Pristina does not change its positions.

Campaigning with our money (Zeri)

Enis Veliu that right before the election campaign, one could only meet politicians at the government buildings or luxury restaurants but nowadays one can run into them everywhere. They are even more active in social networks than they are in real life, Veliu says.

In the economic aspect, the vast majority of campaign promises are undeliverable because of the limited Kosovo budget, stresses Veliu. Nevertheless, this doesn’t prevent outgoing prime minister Thaci from continuing to make promises although other political leaders are not very far behind.