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UNS: How murders of journalists in Kosovo were "lost" (Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), B92, KIM Radio)

Out of 14 killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers in Kosovo, Kosovo Prosecution is investigating 7 cases, three are "in the process of hand-over" from EULEX.

One is closed, while there is no information about the three remaining, the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) said it learned.

These are considerably different data compared to those UNS received from EULEX a month ago when we were told that there were only two open investigations.

“Small private media in difficult situation, Srpska Lista does not cooperate” (KIM Radio)

An annual assembly of the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo was held yesterday in Gracanica, Serbian media reported.

Participants discussed about the issues journalists in Kosovo are facing, and one of them, according to the participants is non-cooperation of the Srpska Lista with some media outlets in Kosovo, KIM Radio further reported.

Annual report and guidance for the forthcoming period were also discussed.

To establish commission to investigate murdered and missing journalists (UNS, KIM Radio, RTV Puls)

“It is necessary to establish a commission that would deal with investigations of missing and murdered journalists in Kosovo, the President of the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo, Budimir Nicic said at the roundtable on the freedom of the media and safety of journalists, RTV Puls reported.

Nicic reminded participants of the roundtable, organized in Pristina yesterday that Serbia and Montenegro have established such commissions and they yield results, while certain court proceedings were launched thanks to that results.

Murder of another journalist uncovered in Kosovo (B92)

The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) found that the journalist of RTV Pristina, Krist Gegaj, was killed in Istok in September 1999, three months after the arrival of international forces, but his name has not been found in any records of the victims.

Although Gegaj was a well-known personality as a TV journalist, the media did not report on his murder, but UNS investigated this case, and found that most of his colleagues did not know that he was killed.