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Dutch ambassador: Unrealistic to expect visa liberalization this year (KosovaPress)

The Netherlands Ambassador to Kosovo, Robert Bosch, told KosovaPress news agency that the expectations that Kosovo will have visa liberalization within this year are unrealistic and says that in the most optimistic case,  it might happen in early 2016.In regards to special court which will address war crimes allegations, Bosch said that although it still has nothing concrete in this regard, it is expected that this court become functional within this year.

Dutch ambassador: Rejecting special court will harm Kosovo (KosovaPress)

The Dutch Ambassador to Kosovo, Robert Bosch, said on Monday that if Kosovo fails to establish special court, then Kosovo would have a United Nations court. "For Kosovo, it is better to have a special court, rather than a UN court, since there are countries that are not good friends with Kosovo and they have a great influence,” Bosch said. He said he expects that special court would be located in Netherlands, although, according to him, there is still no final decision on its location.

Dutch ambassador: Organised crime involved in irregular migration (Lajmi)

The Dutch Ambassador to Kosovo, Robert Bosch, said on Thursday that poor economic conditions are not a reason to seek asylum in the European countries.  "People are leaving because they see no future. It may be economic reasons, but not necessarily, because with such issues are facing also other countries in the region,” said Bosch.