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The Serbian list wants a block with non-Albanian parties (TV Most)

President of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic says that the list acts independently as an independent political actor in the Assembly of Kosovo and cooperates only with the non-Albanian parties, and wants to create a block with them.

"This is primarily Bosniaks, Ashkali, Gorani, Roma, Egyptians," said Jablanovic and added "with them it will be a block in the Assembly with twenty deputies and will constitute a relevant political force that will represent the citizens whose interests in some parts are a little different from the majority of the Albanian people."

Jablanovic: The SLS policy for us is the past (KiM Radio)

It is important that the Serbs are in the Government of Kosovo, but the policy of the SLS, should not be continued, analysts say. Alexander Jablanovic says that politics of the Serbian list has nothing to do with the SLS's.

Analyst Stojan Jovanovic said that for the first time after the 1999, Serbs have a consistent policy, which, he said, cannot be said for the previous political set, which participated in the previous term in Kosovo institutions.

Serbian List: We will not vote for LAN either (RTK)

Serb members of the Kosovo Assembly abstained from voting for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) candidate for Assembly President Arsim Bajrami. Serbian List leader Aleksandar Jablanovic said the Serb vote today would not have determined anything. “The List will continue to be constructive in the upcoming sessions. We want the crisis to be resolved and to proceed with the formation of the government … We know that we will not go with Vetevendosje and the revision of negotiations.