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EU far from oligarchs’ governance (Kosova Sot)

The newspaper’s front-page editorial today argues that only Kosovo institutions celebrate the EU Day by losing many hours of work because this event is included in the government's list of official holidays. "This euphoria of celebrations only explains our passivity as a state and the limited willingness to work. The way how the state administration, government, municipalities and public companies work, is the worst example towards the EU path.


Condition dialogue with abolishment of Serbian arrest warrants (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper notes that arrests of Kosovo Albanians based on arrest warrants issued by Serbian authorities, remain a challenge in the relations between the two countries. “Even Kosovo senior officials and well-known politicians became victims of these decisions; however, due to the sensitivity of the cases, they were released after the mediation of the internationals. However, when ordinary citizens, who do not carry senior positions, are concerned, their suffering is limitless.

No spectacles, crime should be punished (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial argues that “surprising actions by EULEX do not bring much hope that the judiciary will punish the large-scale crime that took place in post-war Kosovo”. “There are numerous cases when media spectacles by the European mission were followed by disappointing developments and the key suspects were acquitted due to lack of evidence. As a result, influential politicians, incriminated high-ranking officials, heads of the judiciary or the prosecution, were not touched by the force of law.

Transparency for the Credit Fund (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial today notes that the establishment of a Credit Fund that aims to create at least 20 thousand jobs, is good news but in Kosovo's case, it is not enough to encourage serious investments. “The market turmoil and weakening of fair competition, taking the small players outside the game, are the main characteristics of business life in Kosovo. The biggest blow to fair businesses was the interference of public officials who enabled dozens of phantom companies, without experience, to easily win big tenders,” notes the paper.

No one dares touching the big fish (Kosova Sot)

Following yesterday’s press conference by Kosovo’s Chief State Prosecutor Aleksander Lumezi where he presented the work of the State Prosecution for 2015, the paper writes that despite the presented figures, results in the fight against corruption remain far from the people’s expectations. The fact of the matter is that the “powerful” officials involved in corrupt activities are not likely to face justice, the paper claims. Even in cases when these people’s names are revealed and sometimes even indicted, they manage to avoid any prosecution or conviction.


No one speaks about corruption anymore (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes in today’s editorial that the main topic these days in Kosovo is whether the opposition parties will remain united or go separate ways, Serbian elections set to take place in Kosovo’s territory, the visits of the Serbian officials to Kosovo and an occasional international conference which Kosovo leaders use for self-promotion. As a result, the “hot topics” such as corruption are being increasingly less discussed and the people of Kosovo have turned into mere spectators of their fate.


Usurpers do not support decriminalization (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial today while referring to Kosovo President Hashim Thaci’s statement’s that people with criminal records have no place in Kosovo institutions and election lists, stresses that such promises are not serious because “political leaders making such statements undertake no actions to support them.” With the laws in force in Kosovo, the paper notes, even though someone may be under investigation for corruption, does not constitute any obstacle for them to be part of election lists, or even become MPs, minister and ambassadors.

Kosovo people must separate from the degrading politics (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial today stresses that democracy and rule of law have lost their meaning in Kosovo at a time when everyone is thinking about how to get away. “There cannot be democracy or rule of law with the current government and current politicians. It is the duty of all the citizens to stand up for their rights. Only through protests and new alternatives, Kosovo citizens must separate from the degrading politics that has blocked the future.”

Four candidates from Balkans for the position of UNSG (Kosova Sot)

The most significant portal in Germany, Spiegel Online, reported that eventual candidates for the seat of the United Nations Secretary General, are mainly from Eastern Europe and former Yugoslavia. According to Spiegel Online, this major presence of politicians from Europe comes as result of the unwritten tradition to nominate a candidate from Europe, respectively from South-Eastern Europe after a candidate from Asia serves his or her mandate.