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A government for the state (Kosova Sot)

The people of Kosovo do not deserve this humiliation by the political structure represented at the Kosovo Assembly, writes the paper in its front-page editorial. The citizens have voted based on their political convictions and the results were acceptable to all, stresses the paper. However, it adds, thirst for power has led to unnatural developments with the political leadership splitting into two blocs and being unable to form new institutions.

The Senator’s messages (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that only the visit by United States Senator Chris Murphy brought together Kosovo’s political leaders. “Since the 8 June elections, there has been no direct communication between Kosovo leaders. The lack of dialogue has made it difficult to reach an agreement to unblock the situation and the fight for power has become wilder than ever. The U.S.


Annulment (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily mentions the annulment visit of the high level U.S. officials due to the serious political situation in Kosovo. These developments should alarm Kosovo politicians who have barricaded themselves and reject any form of dialogue, writes this daily. Continuance of crisis could cause further isolation of Kosovo which is already isolated, with its population not being able to move freely as well as by the fact that Kosovo is not a member of the UN and many other international organizations.


We need a solution, elections were good (Kosova Sot)

In a front-page editorial, the paper writes that after the failure of the Assembly to elect a new speaker and unsuccessful meetings President Atifete Jahjaga had with political leaders, new elections are being mentioned as the only alternative for unblocking the current deadlocked situation. The paper recalls that Kosovo had successful elections in June but because of the refusal of four opposition parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), as winner of elections, cannot secure the majority needed to form new institutions.

Irresponsible politicians (Kosova Sot)

In a front-page editorial, the paper writes that the representatives of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje have unilaterally decided to call today’s Assembly session and while a debate is good, it would be better to divert it into a different topic: into the newest European Commission progress report. This year’s report, writes the paper, is a reflection of the real situation in Kosovo and most of the findings are criticisms.

Political and constitutional solution (Kosova Sot)

In its front-page editorial, the paper considers that the current political stalemate in Kosovo cannot be resolved without reviewing the post-election coalition agreement and this is something that cannot be avoided. The opposition bloc has included the post of Kosovo president in its coalition agreement and whilst the parties need to sit down together and discuss alternatives for overcoming the crisis, the post-election coalition leaders should realise that the post of the Kosovo president cannot be part of political bargaining, writes the paper.


Courage to investigate (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that when Bernd Borchard became head of the EULEX mission, he raised hopes among Kosovars that things would move forward in fighting corruption and organized crime. However, EULEX members are aware that their work cannot do miracles. The miracle in Kosovo is destruction of corruption, handcuffing of criminals, and bringing in front of the justice those that are symbolically known to the opinion as “big fish.”

Welcomed attacks (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that the attack of the United States and some Arabic countries against the ISIS militants, is good news also for Kosovo. "During the last weeks, Kosovo authorities have handcuffed individuals who induced participation or participated in the war of this terrorist organization. The initiated action aims prevention of an eventual attack of these groups in Syria, against the U.S. Ties of the international terrorism did not leave Kosovo untouched, finding recruits among some Kosovar extremists.


Waiting for the internationals (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that the political and institutional crisis in Kosovo is deepening each day. The pre-election coalition continues to insist on implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court, but it does not manage to collect the required votes to constitute the Assembly. The Assembly sessions will be held in vain if a political agreement is not reached in advance. Neither the Constitution nor the Court mention concrete deadlines for overcoming this absurd situation.
