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Mogherini on the developments in Kosovo, Hahn on the "attempt to unblock the dialogue" (B92, Beta)

EU High Representative Federica Mogherini says in Brussels that yesterday's events show that the status quo between Serbia and Kosovo is not sustainable, reports portal B92, quoting Beta news agency.

At a press conference on the occasion of the presenting the annual EU package on the progress of the countries of the Western Balkans, Mogherini said that she hoped the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would be soon restored and added that she was in constant contact with both sides.

''Negative reviews'' about the state of democracy in Serbia (Danas)

According to Belgrade based daily Danas, Serbia is expected to have "very negative assessment" of the state of democracy.

Some diplomats told Danas that "very negative reviews" will be found in the segment relating to the "state of democracy," referring to the European Commission's Progress Report on Serbia's progress towards EU membership, to be presented at today's extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee European Parliament in Brussels.

Mustafa says EC progress report indicates imminent visa liberalization (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa met today the head of the EU Office in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar who presented him this year’s European Commission progress report for Kosovo. Mustafa thanked the EU countries for constructive approach towards Kosovo stressing that the spirit of the report is an indicator of the Kosovo’s intensified EU integration process. He also said that the progress report, which comes shortly after the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA), is a sign that Kosovo will be granted visa liberalization within a short period of time.

Thaci: Our progress is being acknowledged (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci welcomed the latest European Commission Progress Report saying it acknowledges the progress Kosovo has made in the EU integration process. “The assessment of the progress achieved in the visa liberalization process is also welcomed. We now rightly expect to travel next year without visas to Europe,” Thaci wrote on Facebook. “There is no doubt we are on the right track. Our progress is being acknowledged. Nothing and no one can stop our path to EU.”

Progress Report commends Kosovo on SAA, criticizes opposition’s actions (media)

All media sites report on the European Commission’s 2015 Progress Report on Kosovo. The Report notes as successful steps the signing of the Stabilization/Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union, the constitutional amendments for the formation of the Special Court and the agreements reached with Serbia in Brussels. The report also criticizes the actions of the opposition in the Assembly, suggesting that a solution must be found in order to unblock the work of the Assembly.

Irresponsible politicians (Kosova Sot)

In a front-page editorial, the paper writes that the representatives of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje have unilaterally decided to call today’s Assembly session and while a debate is good, it would be better to divert it into a different topic: into the newest European Commission progress report. This year’s report, writes the paper, is a reflection of the real situation in Kosovo and most of the findings are criticisms.