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Zeman: Bombardment of Yugoslavia was mistake, there is nothing to justify it with (RTS, Tanjug)

Czech President Milos Zeman said on Friday that the bombardment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) was mistake, and there should be no pursue for an alibi to justify that mistake.

This way, President Zeman commented on a statement of NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, who said during his recent visit to Belgrade, that this military alliance bombarded Yugoslavia in order to protect civilians and stop Milosevic’s regime.

“I think this war was a huge mistake, and there should be no pursue for an alibi to justify that mistake,” President Zeman underlined.

Zeman on double standards in case of Kosovo (BETA, RTS)

Czech President, Milos Zeman assessed Russian annexation of Crimea as completed act and proposed that Russia pays compensation to Ukraine for the lost territory, either financially or with raw material, BETA news agency reported.

Zeman again said Kosovo is an example of double standards, Serbian media reported.

During debate in the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council. Zeman quoted former German President, Joachim Gauck who said that giving Crimea back to Ukraine would cause a war in Europe.

Zeman: Double standards in cases of Crimea and Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)

While the referendum in Crimea was an annexation, it is alright when Kosovo becomes independent, contrary to the UN SC Resolution, Czech President, Milos Zeman said, Serbian media reported.

“I have criticized Kosovo’s secession from Serbia, considering it as an obvious violation of the UN SC Resolution that guarantees the territorial integrity of Serbia with Kosovo, Zeman said to the Czech TV station Barandov.

He also added that not the same standards are applied when it comes to the cases of Crimea and Kosovo.