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Zeman on double standards in case of Kosovo (BETA, RTS)

Czech President, Milos Zeman assessed Russian annexation of Crimea as completed act and proposed that Russia pays compensation to Ukraine for the lost territory, either financially or with raw material, BETA news agency reported.

Zeman again said Kosovo is an example of double standards, Serbian media reported.

During debate in the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council. Zeman quoted former German President, Joachim Gauck who said that giving Crimea back to Ukraine would cause a war in Europe.

Direct talks between Russia and Ukraine would lead to paying compensation for lost Crimea, either financially or in raw material, Zeman said, adding this is his personal opinion.

While speaking about Crimea, he mentioned the secession of Kosovo, whose independence was recognized by part of the international community, and warned that this is a flagrant example of double standards, given that the West had recognized the independence of Kosovo, however it does not recognize Crimea.