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Abbot Janjic: Vucic to defend real interests (Komersant, Danas)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic in an interview for Russian Komersant said that Serbs in Kosovo are not mere numbers, percentages or statistical errors, termed an idea on delineation “as delineation with a common sense” and added that people are concerned over the talks on division, Danas daily reports.

Janjic: The Church is not for any kind of conflict, and it is not for the frozen one too (RTK2, Vreme, Beta, Danas)

Abbot Sava Janjic says to Vreme, the weekly based in Belgrade, that the security situation in Kosovo is very tense after statements by politicians from Belgrade and Pristina, but also from the international community, who talk about “delineation" or "border correction".

"Such irresponsible statements and a special media campaign that attempts to impose this "solution" on the public as the only right one, worsened relations multiple times between Albanians and Serbs," Janjic told the weekly Vreme.

What are Serbian and Kosovo media saying about Abbot Sava Janjic? (KoSSev)

For days now, he has been referred to as an enemy of the state, as anti-Serbian, from much of the Belgrade media and by the highest representatives of Srpska Lista (the Serbian List) – the largest political party of Kosovo Serbs – just like in the years leading up to the war in Kosovo and the bombing of Yugoslavia when Milocevic and his party had the same words for Father Sava Janjic, KoSSev portal reports.

Serbian List: Dragutin Sava Janjic is no longer spiritual father (RTV)

Serbian List (SL) issued a press release on Wednesday in which they said that Father Dragutin (Sava) Janjic, the Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, with the statements against his country and the efforts to resolve the problems in KiM through compromise and dialogue, ceased to be a clergyman and became a participant in a political life, RTV reports.

SL pointed out that “now, Dragutin (Sava) Janjic, laments and complains because anyone dares to criticize and refutes his political views”.

Abbot Janjic: Media hunt agreed at National Security Council (Danas)

The Holy Archbishop’s Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) after the summer recess should hold a session on 30 August, however, it remains unclear whether the Synod would deal with attacks of the state officials against Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije and Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic, Danas daily reports today.

Djuric's letter to Bishop Teodosije: Serbs in Kosovo have one mother - Serbia (Kossev)

The third open letter on the same day, reports portal Kossev, this time from Belgrade to Kosovo, and one apology: "The reverend Bishop, I apologize for speaking to you publicly about a political matter," today the Director of the KiM Office, Marko Djuric talks to Bishop Teodosije through a letter sent to the Serbian media.

“Oliver was obstacle to certain dark structures” (B92)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic said that assassinated leader of Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic was an obstacle to certain dark structures, B92 reported.

“Let's hope the current unmasking will contribute to learning truth about the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, a man who was an obstacle to certain structures, apparently on both or more sides, for carrying out an ominous scenario in Kosovo this year. Oliver speaks now louder than ever,” Abbot Janjic wrote on social media.

Abbot Sava: Oliver speaks today louder than ever before (B92, KIM Radio)

Abbot Sava Janjic today spoke about assassinated leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic, B92 reports.

“A man who did not measure Kosovo and Metohija by meters and percentages, who fought for the people, and not for his personal interest, who was heinously killed from a back, speaks today louder than ever before, distorting those who have hunted him, a man who did not spread defeatism, but hope – Oliver Ivanovic,” Abbot of Visoki Decani Sava Janjic wrote on Facebook.

Serbian list on Abbot Sava Janjic, Ksenija Bozovic and Momcilo Trajkovic (Kossev)

Serbian List continued through strong verbal statements discrediting certain individuals. Immediately after the message by the Abbot of Visoki Decani on Thursday that „masks have fallen“ and after the Serbian President confirmed that he is in favor of a „delimitation“ between Serbs and Albanians, they issued another statement against Abbot Janjic.