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Thaci either president or prime minister (Bota Sot)

According to the writer of this opinion piece, Kushtrim Gashi, if the current governing coalition does not manage to implement the agreement between the two major parties for Hashim Thaci to become the president of Kosovo, then this coalition would conclude by the end of 2016, and early elections would proceed. Kosovo would be saved from early elections only if some of the deputies of the Democratic League of Kosovo have already stated that they would not vote Thaci for the president, change their minds.

Kosovo with little employment opportunities for women (Bota Sot)

The number of unemployed people in Kosovo is on the increase, confirmed the recent report of the Kosovo Statistical Agency which stated that the unemployment level in Kosovo was 35.3 percent in 2014. In 2013, unemployment was 30 percent. The data also show that the largest parts of the unemployed are women with 71.7 percent of them being jobless. Unemployment is also very high amongst the youth in Kosovo and stands at 61 percent.


Business development training for women in the north (Bota)

A business development training workshop organized by USAID gathered some 15 women, Kosovo Albanians, Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo Turks from Zubin Potok, Zvečan/Zveçan and North Mitrovica, to exchange mutual experience in this sector and learn from each other. The training is one of many to be organized for women in business that aims to increase employability opportunities for women of the area. Delicious sweets and baked goods are not just tasty but also a business opportunity for women in the north of Kosovo.

OSCE to support police in fight against corruption (dailies)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the German Embassy begun today a project to support the Kosovo Police in combating high-level corruption. The project, financed by the Government of Germany, will be implemented by OSCE mission and foresees the establishment of a key group of criminal investigators and prosecutors from the Kosovo Police and the Special Prosecution, as well as strengthening their capacity to investigate cases of high-level corruption effectively.

Paradox: KSF to deploy anywhere in the world, except the north! (Bota Sot)

The paper writes that two years since first being reported by the Serbian government that Kosovo authorities had agreed in Brussels dialogue to the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) not going to the north of Kosovo without NATO’s consent, this was just now admitted by the Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. According to the Constitution of Kosovo, the Kosovo Security Force are authorized to serve within the territory of Kosovo so agreement to not allow the KSF to go to the north is a constitutional violation, writes the paper.

Interior Minister Hyseni met with UNHCR chief Rao (Bota Sot)

Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni met on Wednesday with the UNHCR Chief of Mission in Kosovo, Narasimha Rao. Hyseni and Rao discussed the cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and UNHCR, with special emphasis on the process of re-integration of the people of Kosovo, as well as the conditions of asylum seekers in Kosovo. Hyseni thanked UNHCR chief for the support given so far to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and pledged that this cooperation continue in the future.

Shyhrete Berisha, winner of Civic Courage Award (Bota Sot)

The Civil Initiative FOL (Speak Up) on Tuesday presented the Award for Civic Courage for 2014. The award was given to Shyhrete Berisha from Suhareke/Suva Reka. Petrit Zogaj from FOL said that this award is given in recognition for personalities engaged in protecting the public interest and human rights in Kosovo. "Shyhrete’s confrontation for realization of her inheritance rights highlights the problem of social inequality and women's rights in general in Kosovo. She is an example of consistent commitment to the realization of inheritance rights.

Coalition ruins PDK’s hopes (Bota Sot)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), gathered once again to discuss defense at the Constitutional Court, after the decision of the latter to suspend election of Isa Mustafa as Assembly Speaker. However, the leaders of these parties also stressed that they do not intend to form a coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo and stressed that they would not allow creation of Thaçi 3 government.


Vetevendosje should not pull out of the agreement (Bota Sot)

In an editorial, the paper says that not a lot of political activity is expected until the Constitutional Court delivers its ruling on the legality of Kosovo Assembly Speaker’s election and this time will be mainly focused on ongoing debates, one of which concerns the possibility of Vetevendosje joining the post-election coalition in efforts to form a new Government of Kosovo.