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Kosovo police arrests three persons suspected of organ trafficking (TV N1, KoSSev)

Kosovo police arrested two foreigners and Kosovo Albanian near Pristina under suspicion of being involved in illegal transplantation and organ trafficking, the police said on Saturday. KoSSev portal reported that police and health inspectors raided on Friday a private clinic in Caglavica village, confiscating copies of medical records and other documents. The suspects were sent to detention.  

Dick Marty: “The Hague hid all evidence on 'Yellow House'“ (Vecernje Novosti, KoSSev)

Former Swiss Senator and Council of Europe (CoE) Rapporteur on the human organ trafficking in Kosovo, Dick Marty gave an exclusive interview to Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily. Marty’s famous report on organ trafficking pointed to the possibility of monstrous crimes committed against Serbs in northern Albania involving the highest representatives of the authorities in Pristina. Q: Eight years have passed since your famous report and indictments have still not been filed.