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Drecun for Politika: There are witnesses, they should be protected (Serbian media)

KiM Assembly Committee Chairman Milovan Drecun said there is new evidence against Ramus Haradinaj for crimes he has not been tried for, reports Serbian media, quoting daily Politika. Drecun said this to Belgrade based daily Politika and added that Serbian authorities had found a way to speak with the Hague prosecutor, even though it was part of ''the unrecognized Kosovo judiciary''. "We have put in place a mechanism to avoid any interpretation of recognizing self-proclaimed Kosovo through cooperation with the prosecution," Drecun said. "There are current witnesses and facts that cannot be d

N1 to broadcast documentary “Organs Trade: Scandal in the Heart of Europe” tonight (TV N1)

Twenty years after the NATO bombing of Serbia and conflict in Kosovo, destiny of several hundreds of missing Serbs still remains unknown, TV N1 said. According to the Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Dick Marty’s report many of them have been kidnapped and taken to the camps in the north of Albania, and later became victims of organ harvesting. Kidnappings, transport to the camps, remains of former hospitals, investigation, witnesses, “Yellow House”.

Blakaj: Flora Brovina should have resigned (Slobodno srpski, Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo Humanitarian Law Centre (HLC) Director Bekim Blakaj said in “Slobodno srpski” broadcast that Flora Brovina, member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) should have resigned after publicly displaying a photo for which she claimed represents a raping of an Albanian woman by the Serbian army, which later turned out to be a hoax and the photo was in fact taken from a porn site in Iraq. Blakaj also said the statements by some politicians that more than 20.000 women were raped during the war in Kosovo were exaggerated and he personally doesn’t believe in them, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Odalovic: International and domestic public to raise their voices (TV Pink, Tanjug, Dnevnik)

After the former Council of Europe Special Rapporteur on organ trafficking allegations in Kosovo, Dick Marty in an interview with the Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti said that he was told the evidence on the “Yellow House” was concealed, Chairman of the Serbian Government Missing Persons Commission and Secretary General at the Foreign Ministry, Veljko Odalovic said that the international and domestic public should raise their voices against this, Tanjug news agency reported. “I think that the international and domestic public should raise their voices against this.

Dick Marty: “The Hague hid all evidence on 'Yellow House'“ (Vecernje Novosti, KoSSev)

Former Swiss Senator and Council of Europe (CoE) Rapporteur on the human organ trafficking in Kosovo, Dick Marty gave an exclusive interview to Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily. Marty’s famous report on organ trafficking pointed to the possibility of monstrous crimes committed against Serbs in northern Albania involving the highest representatives of the authorities in Pristina. Q: Eight years have passed since your famous report and indictments have still not been filed.

Vukcevic: Dick Marty's report is remarkable (TV Prva, B92, RTV Puls)

One of the former KLA commanders, Rustem Mustafa-Remi should be one of the first to be questioned before the Special Prosecutor's Office.

Former Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic told Belgrade based TV Prva that he is satisfied that the prosecution started working, and that it was founded because it is about the most monstrous crimes committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

“Dick Marty did not give statements and does not plan to speak about that” (KIM Radio)

Cabinet of the former Swiss Senator, former Special Rapporteur of the Council of Europe and the author of a report on organ harvesting in Kosovo in 2010 Dick Marty, said that he did not talk to Presheva jon agency about the Special Court for the war crimes, KIM Radio reports. “Marti did not make statements on that issue and generally does not plan to talk about that,” KIM Radio added referring to Marty’s office reply to Gazeta express.

"Protect (Kosovo) witnesses, or they will kill them" (Tanjug, B92)

Former Swiss Senator and Council of Europe (CoE) Rapporteur on human organs trade in Kos(link is external)ovo, Dick Marty says he has faith in the (Kosovo) Specialist Chambers. The chambers are colloquially referred to as "the special court for KLA ('Kosovo Liberation Army') crimes." Marty is also optimistic when it comes to arresting "the big fish" in Pristina. "I'm an optimist that the tribunal will soon test itself by the first arrests of those people who are known in Kosovo and to the international community as 'the big f

Agim Ceku: If I need to, I will defend myself before the Special Court (KIM radio)

Former KLA commander and Deputy Minister of the Security Forces of Kosovo Agim Ceku told RTV Kim in the TV Show ''Dogovor!?'' that he is ready to defend himself before the Special Court, in case he would be one of the war crimes suspects, reports KIM radio portal.

Agim Ceku is just one of the Albanian officials mentioned by media in Kosovo and Serbia as potential suspect before the court, reports KIM radio.