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Russian media: Togo withdraws recognition of Kosovo (N1, Srna, Sputnik)

Togo, a West African nation on the Gulf of Guinea, became the 15th country which withdrew the recognition of Kosovo, according to Sputnik, a Russian state media outlet, as carried by the Srna news agency.

Sputnik said it got the news confirmed by diplomatic sources. Last week, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced the latest withdrawal but refused to name the country.
Media speculated it was Togo.

Drecun for Politika: There are witnesses, they should be protected (Serbian media)

KiM Assembly Committee Chairman Milovan Drecun said there is new evidence against Ramus Haradinaj for crimes he has not been tried for, reports Serbian media, quoting daily Politika.

Drecun said this to Belgrade based daily Politika and added that Serbian authorities had found a way to speak with the Hague prosecutor, even though it was part of ''the unrecognized Kosovo judiciary''.

"We have put in place a mechanism to avoid any interpretation of recognizing self-proclaimed Kosovo through cooperation with the prosecution," Drecun said.

State Department offers help in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue; Do not equalize Pristina and Belgrade, says Djuric (Srna, Beta, N1)

Belgrade and Pristina must remove obstacles, avoid provocations and return to negotiations, the State Department announced on the occasion of the cancellation of the summit in Paris, which was due to be held on July 1, under the auspices of Germany and France.

The United States said in its communique that they continue to support the European Union's (EU) dialogue mediation and the normalization of relations between the two capitals.

Sessions devoted to laying the oath of four mayors in the North of Kosovo have been cancelled (Blic, Srna)

The sessions of the municipal assembly Zubin Potok, northern Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposavic, were cancelled, reports daily Blic, quoting Srna agency. Mayors were supposed to take oath and take over duties in the four Serbian majority municipalities in the North.

"Sessions are cancelled until further notice, and about the reasons for the cancellation will be subsequently informed in the statement," the Serbian List said.

Dacic: The former US administration is preventing a compromise solution for Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, N1, SRNA)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that the bearers of the former US administration for 20 years prevent the achievement of a compromise and mutually acceptable solution for Kosovo, quote Serbian media.

Facebook removes suspicious accounts from Russia, North Macedonia and Kosovo (Srna, N1)

The Facebook social platform said on Tuesday it deleted more accounts from Iran, Russia, North Macedonia and Kosovo because of “coordinated non-authentic behaviour,” the Bosnian Srna news agency reported.

It added that a total of 2,632 accounts were erased from the operations linked to those countries from Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Earlier this month, Facebook for the first time removed hundreds of fake accounts from Great Britain and Romania.


Serbia’s Interior Minister warns Kosovo Premier not to even think of violence (N1, Tanjug, Srna)

Serbia’s Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic warned the Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, not to even think of using force against Serbs in Kosovo, because Serbia will know how to respond.

Commenting on Haradinaj’s statement that "Kosovo’s army would be deployed to the north if the border is threatened," Stefanovic said that this clearly shows how nervous Haradinaj is.

Dacic: UN Security Council to discuss Kosovo on February 7 (Srna, N1)

As the presiding country of the UN Security Council, Equatorial Guinea has placed Kosovo on the session agenda which is due to be held on February 7, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said.

"Equatorial Guinea is standing fast heroically. They’ve placed Kosovo on the agenda, even though the US and UK fiercely opposed this move. In further talks, they will see if they will seek a vote," Dacic said.

Djuric: Ivanovic's murder will be discussed in the Brussels dialogue (Blic, Srna, Sputnik)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic's must be resolved and that this will be discussed in Brussels Dialogue, reports Serbian media, quoting Sputnik.

"Our authorities will continue the investigation and will demand a more intensive cooperation. This is something we will talk about in the coming period in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well.''

Politika: The Court ready, no big names in the first round of indictments (KIM radio, Politika, Kontakt plus radio, Blic, Srna)

Spokesperson and head of the Communication Service of specialized councils Avis Beneš told Belgrade based daily Politika that there are no legal obstacles to receiving the indictments or indictments of the Special Prosecutor's Office, but she added that the prosecution still has no spokesperson.

Beneš told Politika that the official titles of this court are "Specialized Councils and Specialized Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo, and not the Special Court or KLA Crimes Court".