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Agim Ceku: If I need to, I will defend myself before the Special Court (KIM radio)

Former KLA commander and Deputy Minister of the Security Forces of Kosovo Agim Ceku told RTV Kim in the TV Show ''Dogovor!?'' that he is ready to defend himself before the Special Court, in case he would be one of the war crimes suspects, reports KIM radio portal.

Agim Ceku is just one of the Albanian officials mentioned by media in Kosovo and Serbia as potential suspect before the court, reports KIM radio.

Ceku says that these are all speculations, and he is not burdened with it. "I believe in justice, I believe in myself in what I did, how I worked. Now I am aware of politics, that politics has a lot of share here. If it happens, I will for sure defend myself and know how to defend myself."

Nevertheless, he expects the extradition of the indictees to lead to a protest in Kosovo, but not violence.

Ceku says that the Special War Crimes Chamber is perceived as a great injustice towards the Albanians and the KLA, imposed by the international community that, according to him, was under the pressure of Serbia. Ceku says that it is a one-national court, and that the crimes were not only on one side, nor were in any of these wars in the region, and that the Court does not seem to be fair. He says the court should be fair and equal towards everyone, adding that Dick Marty report, who initiated the formation of the court, he considers as nebulous.

Agim Ceku, who is also the former prime minister, believes that Kosovo needs an army to become a normal state, with normal institutions. For that, he reminds, is required the support of the Serbian List, with which currently discussions are conducted. Still, he says, it depends on the official Belgrade.

"Unfortunately, a lot depends on Belgrade, or all. They are so obedient to Belgrade. As long as they listen to Belgrade, it means they take care of themselves without worrying about the people. They worry about themselves to preserve their position," Ceku told RTV KIM.

Ceku is aware of the fact that the Army currently is not acceptable neither for the Serbian List nor the Belgrade.

He says that to Serbs is not acceptable for the simple reason, which is a political reason and not practical. They oppose any initiative that consolidates the statehood of Kosovo, and that Serbia is currently working to present Kosovo as a failed state.

However, Ceku does not consider Serbia an enemy in the security sense.

He says that Kosovo does not consider Serbia as its enemy; Ceku believes that we simply live in a time when every normal state has its own army. "The army is a symbol of national identity, statehood. It cannot be a normal state if there is no army".

He recalled that 103 Serbs are currently active in the Security Forces, including two officers and several lieutenants. Most of them, he says, come from the area south of the Ibar.

"Lately we have from the north. We are very proud of this fact," Ceku says, adding that the number of Serbs in the KSF is steadily rising.

He believes that Serbs must "sometimes make some decisions that may go more for the benefit of the majority people and thus show good will," reports KIM radio portal.