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Police arrest MP Ismail Kurteshi (media)

Several news sites report that Kosovo Police arrested Vetevendosje MP Ismail Kurteshi this morning. The court had previously ordered a house arrest measure for Kurteshi for setting off a teargas canister in the Kosovo Assembly, and Kurteshi violated the measure by attending an opposition rally in Gjilan/Gnjilane on Saturday. The Basic Court in Pristina later announced a 30-day detention measure against Kurteshi.

Ombudsman: Jahjaga, Zbogar and Meucci are hindering investigations on “Hasani case” (KosovaPress)

Kosovo’s Ombudsman, Sami Kurteshi, through a press release informed the public that the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga; European Union Special Representative, Samuel Zbogar and EULEX Head of Mission, Gabriele Meucci, are hindering investigations of the Ombudsman institution over allegations of legal and constitutional violations committed by the President of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani.