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The failure of the political elite in the Balkans (Deutsche Welle)

War, hunger and torture are no longer commonplace in Kosovo, Albania, Serbia and Macedonia. For a decade and a half now, the states of the former Yugoslavia and their neighbors have been living in peace. Croatia and Slovenia have joined the European Union. The other Balkan countries have been working toward membership for years.

Germany urged to deter Balkan asylum claims (Deutsche Welle)

German politicians have called for measures to deter people from the Balkans from seeking asylum in Germany. Only a tiny percentage are ever granted asylum, with many deemed to be economic migrants.

Volker Kauder, a senior member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), said Balkan citizens with little prospect of asylum should be sent home more quickly.

Kosovo and Montenegro favor "safe country of origin" status (Deutsche Welle)

The leaders of Kosovo and Montenegro have said they believe Germany should designate their countries as "safe" countries of origin. This status should make it more difficult for people to be granted asylum in Germany.

According to a report published in Tuesday's edition of the German business daily "Handelsblatt," both Kosovo's Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and his Montenegrin counterpart, Milo Dukanovic made their wishes clear in letters to the German member of the European Parliament, David McAllister.