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Hyseni calls Haradinaj’s detention “unacceptable” (Koha/Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, said in a debate organised by NGO “Fol” today that it was unacceptable for Kosovo Liberation Army fighters to be detained on warrants issued by Serbia. “We have to use our allies that are part of Interpol to invalidate these lists,” said Hyseni. Speaking about the prospect of Kosovo applying for Interpol membership, Hyseni said the issue has been “complicated by Palestine’s application.” The Palestinian Authority’s Interpol membership bid failed after its application was suspended in 2016.


Kosovo government: Serbia abusing justice on Haradinaj’s case (Telegrafi)

Following the court in Colmar, France, postponing the decision on possible extradition of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader, Ramush Haradinaj, to Serbia, the government of Kosovo issued a press release accusing Serbia of abusing justice and “delaying a process build on fabricated allegations.” “We believe the French judiciary will not tolerate such a situation,” the government said.

Veseli: Border demarcation agreement to be ratified as soon as possible (Telegrafi)

President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, told reporters that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro needs to be passed as soon as possible. “The moment the government resubmits agreement for ratification of demarcation, we will immediately forward it to the Assembly,” Veseli said after the meeting of the Assembly presidency. Veseli announced that the next sessions of the Assembly have been scheduled for Monday and Thursday.

Excavation works on a suspected mass grave to begin 16 February (Telegrafi)

Chairman of the Kosovo government’s commission on missing persons, Prenk Gjetaj, announced that excavations into a suspected mass grave site inside the compound of a mosque in the northern part of Mitrovica will get underway on 16 February. Gjetaj said the excavation works will be carried out in close cooperation with EULEX and relevant Kosovo institutions. EULEX confirmed that excavations will begin but did not give an exact date saying the site will be assessed in the near future.


Thaci: Not easy being a journalist in Kosovo (Telegrafi)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said today at a conference organised by the OSCE that journalism in Kosovo may not be the oldest in the region but it is definitely one of the bravest. He said that although often faced with pressure, intimidation and even death, journalists in Kosovo have never ceased to seek the accurate information and publish it.

Thaci presents idea for establishing a truth and reconciliation commission (Telegrafi)

On today’s first meeting of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said hostilities that have caused wars are still present and dominate social discourse. “There is still a gap between the communities and this could still keep us in the depths of hatred and hostilities caused by war.” Thaci said adding that Kosovo society cannot build a better future if it remains prisoner of the past.

Mustafa: No alternative to dialogue (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today during the Assembly session that if opposition parties had been in power, they would also be engaged in the dialogue with Serbia. He said a great deal of energy is being put on opposing dialogue instead of focusing on economic and social development. “There is no alternative to dialogue. All the motions and debates initiated at the Assembly have a common denominator which is either halting dialogue with Serbia or conditioning it. Dialogue with Serbia is in the interest of Kosovo,” Mustafa said.

Commission for measuring Kosovo territory denies disagreement reports (Telegrafi)

The commission set up by Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to measure the territory of Kosovo has denied reports there are disagreements between its members and noted that it is working intensively to carry out the task it has been entrusted with. In a statement, the commission confirmed that members of the opposition and two mayors have not attended its meetings and called on them to join the discussion and provide their contribution. “There are no disagreements as suggested by certain media. The commission is working in a professional manner.”