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Statement of the U.K and U.S. Embassies on the Kosovo Judicial Council (media)

The Embassies of the United Kingdom and the United States, came up today with a joint statement on the recent appointments by the Judicial Council of Kosovo.

"The Embassies of the United Kingdom and United States take note of the recent appointments by the Kosovo Judicial Council of the Head of Appeals Court and the Head of the Supreme Court,  following the annulment of the previous appointments process by the Constitutional Court.

Russian authorities confirm arrest of its nationals in Kosovo (Koha/RFE)

The Russian Embassy in Serbia has confirmed the arrest of six of its nationals by authorities in Kosovo. “A representative of the Russian office in Pristina has been dealing with this issue as soon as the Russian citizens were detained. He immediately went to the scene”, said Russian Embassy’s spokesperson, Yuri Pichugin. The Russian nationals were arrested yesterday along with five Serb nationals for illegal entry into Kosovo.


Expert: Western Balkans economic union unfavourable for Kosovo (RFE)

Economy and European integration experts in Kosovo view the recent Western Balkans in Trieste, Italy as one of the most important events of the year for the region that aspires to join the EU. However, some believe that the idea to set up a Western Balkans economic union would be unfavourable for Kosovo.

Thaci: I have assurances that government will be formed without delays (RFE)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said in an interview to Radio Free Europe in Albanian that he has received assurances from the winning coalition, PAN, and the nominee for prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, that the new government of Kosovo will be formed without delays. “The issue of mandate is not a matter of preference but of respect for citizens’ legitimacy”, Thaci said. “Kosovo has a winning coalition that came out of 11 June elections.

Daka: Many reasons behind invalid ballots (Koha/RFE)

Valdete Daka, head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) said in an interview for Radio Free Europe that all election votes have been counted except for conditional ones and those from the Diaspora.

She said the final results would be announced after review and verification of all election material and of complaints filed with the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel. This, according to Daka, could take up to three weeks.