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Selimi: Mustafa’s signature will become invalid with the petition (KosovaPress)

Rexhep Selimi, Assembly deputy from Vetevendosje movement responded to the statement of the Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, that the petition against the agreements reached in Brussels are being signed by those who are not well informed. “The Prime Minister should know that the citizens are very much aware of what they are signing. The Prime Minister is pretty much confusing and misbalanced in his public statements. The citizens are not uninformed, even though the Prime Minister would want very much to be the case.

Thaci: Kuwait supports Kosovo’s UNESCO admission (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, met today with the Kuwaiti Ambassador in Tirana, Najeeb A. Al-Bader, and thanked him for Kuwait’s support for Kosovo’s UNESCO admission. A press release issued by the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the meeting also focused on furthering economic cooperation between the two countries.

Bahtiri: Serbia’s trade with Albanin properties should stop (Kosovapres)

Mitrovica mayor, Agim Bahtiri, has requested from the most senior institutions of Kosovo to undertake immediate measures which would prevent Serbia’s buying of Albanian properties in northern Kosovo. “Serbia is not stopping with its ethnic cleansing in the neighborhoods of Mitrovica North. This is not happening any more with violent expelling of the population from there, but by allocating enormous funds to buy their properties. Special funds are being allocated for this purpose. This tendency of the Serbian state should be interrupted immediately.

Mustafa meets head of UNHCR in Kosovo (KosovaPress)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa met yesterday the UNHCR Kosovo's Chief of Mission, N. L. Narasimha Rao, with whom he discussed the progress in Kosovo as well as the commitment of the government to establish conditions for full reintegration of returnees. Rao spoke of the importance of a legal framework for returnees, considering the commitment of the government, in this regard. During the meeting it was discussed also about the current refugee crisis in the region and Europe.

Mustafa requests annulment of his son’s contract (Kosovapress)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa requested today during the Government meeting interruption of a Government contract for vehicle repair with his son, saying that he was not aware of it. He further spoke about the level of corruption in Kosovo, after the publication of some data by the civil society. He said that people’s perception on the corruption is affecting building of a legal state and Kosovo’s integration in the EU and other international bodies.

OIC supports Kosovo’s membership of UNESCO (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi is visiting the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Selimi met with the OIC Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani and a team of OIC experts, and briefed them on the lobbying campaign for Kosovo’s membership of the UNESCO. The OIC Secretary General promised the full commitment of his organization in support of Kosovo’s membership of the UNESCO.

EUSR Zbogar meets Mitrovica Mayor Bahtiri (Kosovapress)

The Head of European Union Office in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar met today Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri but none of them commented on what the meeting was about. Unofficially, the two officials are reported to have discussed details for the removal of the so-called Peace Park on River Iber bridge which is scheduled to take place on 15 October.


Mothers play vital role in preventing youngsters from Kosovo to join ISIS (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Center for Security Studies (KCSS), supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, organized a round-table discussion today on "The role of women in preventing violent extremism in Kosovo". During this meeting it was said that the role of women is crucial to preventing violent extremism.

Vetevendosje activists throw paint at Prime Minister’s car (media)

All news sites report that several activists of the Vetevendosje Movement threw paint at the car of Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa as he was going to work this morning. The Vetevendosje Movement claimed responsibility for the act saying that they want to remind Mustafa that he should not damage the state of Kosovo by forming the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Vetevendosje spokesperson Frasher Krasniqi told Telegrafi:“the idea [behind the action] is to obstruct the work of a man who is making Kosovo dysfunctional”.