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Plans to remove ‘Peace Park’ in Mitrovica postponed indefinitely (Kosovapress/Indeksonline)

Plans to remove the so-called ‘Peace Park’ barricade on the main River Iber bridge on 15 October have been postponed indefinitely, said sources from the Mitrovica North municipality. The postponement, according to the source, came as a result of the current political situation in Kosovo. “Recent events across Kosovo, including protests against the Community are the reasons why the removal of the park has been delayed,” the source added.

Police: We released Kurti on prosecution’s order (Kosovapress/Zeri)

Kosovo Police Spokesperson Baki Kelani denied the allegations of the opposition Vetevendosje former leader Albin Kurti that he was released as a result of the reaction of Vetevendosje activists last night. Kelani said Kurti was released on the order of the prosecutor and it was on the basis of such an order that he was detained and interviewed. Kelani said 15 police officers and 1 person were injured in last night’s clashes between the Vetevendosje supporters and the Kosovo Police.

PDK: Opposition violence has only political intentions (Kosvapress)

The leadership of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, has issued today a press release regarding the latest objections of the opposition towards the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

PDK leadership expresses concern regarding the events such as that of last night’s protest, considering them not democratic and very violent, which are according to this party done only for political purposes.

Government harshly condemns the attacks against the police (Kosovapress)

The government of Kosovo has expressed concern and regret for the violence exercised by militant groups of the opposition parties over the Kosovo Police and the other constitutional institutions, injuring seriously some police officials, casing damages to public and private properties and disturbing the citizens.

Serbia continues to violate Brussels agreements (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, told Kosovapress today that Serbia on the one hand is working on the implementation of the Brussels agreement but that on the other hand it continues to support its illegal parallel structures in Kosovo. Tahiri said the Serbian Government on Wednesday made new appointments for parallel structures operating in the municipality of Leposavic. “This once again proves Serbia’s destructive approach,” she said.

Germany supports youth employment in Kosovo (Kosovapress)

Germany’s international development agency GIZ launched a project today aimed at providing employment opportunities to the youth in Kosovo. German ambassador to Pristina Angelika Viets said on the occasion that Germany is interested in strengthening the private sector in Kosovo which will in turn contribute to a sustainable development and employment opportunities. Kosovo Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Arban Abrashi said more attention should be dedicated to the Kosovo youth in the fields of education, training and employment.

Opposition boycotts meeting of Assembly presidency (Kosovapress)

As announced, opposition parties – Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – boycotted today’s meeting of the Kosovo Assembly presidency. However, the other members of the presidency did set the dates for the upcoming Assembly sessions for 1 and 2 October. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said that the Assembly is the forum where opposition parties should voice their concerns. He said that the reporting of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to the MPs on the recent agreements with Belgrade has been set aside due to Mustafa’s visit to New York.

US ready to assist Kosovo in combating corruption (Kosovapress)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, today during the meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Council noted that the people of Kosovo see corruption as a major obstacle, and stressed that combating corruption requires a lot of work. According to him, the US is ready to assist Kosovo in combating corruption. Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today that one cannot combat corruption by looking for the ‘big fish’, because according to him, big fish is anyone who committed corruption acts.

Mitrovica: Judges to visit the crime scene today (Kosovapress)

Representatives of the Judicial council, prosecution and defense of the accused Oliver Ivanovic, and four other Serbs, will visit on Monday locations in northern and southern part of Mitrovica, where Albanians were killed in 1999 and 2000.

The lawyer of Oliver Ivanovic and Nebojsha Vllajic, said for Kosovapress that representatives of the court will go today to identify the precise locations where according to the witnesses, ten Albanians were killed in February 2000.