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Lamert: Serbia should change its Constitution (Epoka e Re)

The President of the German Bundestag, Norbert Lammert, said during his visit to Belgrade that Serbia should change its Constitution in order to join the EU. Lamert spoke about the manner this issue should precede. “Change of the Constitution should be made through dialogue at the Parliament, and then to move forward,” he said.

Serbian media also informed that the Serbian Radical Party boycotted the Parliament meeting with the justification that the German state has recognized Kosovo’s independence.

Flessenkemper: Western Balkan countries are poorer than they were 30 years ago (InSerbia)

The Western Balkan countries are poorer than they were 30 years ago, which is why they will need at least 25 years to reach the EU and therefore Germany has submitted a plan “Berlin process plus”, said project director for the Balkans at the European Institute CIFE in Nice and member of the Advisory group for the Balkan policy in Europe (BiEPAG) Tobias Flessenkemper for the RFE/RL.

He adds that it is still anything but on the level of ideas.

Haradinaj: Mutual recognition a condition for the dialogue; Dačić: You know what Serbia thinks of Haradinaj (media)

Most online media in Kosovo and Serbia reported on an interview of Tirana based Top Chanel with Ramush Haradinaj, candidate for Prime Minister, saying that when it comes to Kosovo-Serbia talks there is one condition and that is Belgrade’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence. He further argued that the framework of talks was wrong because it focused on Kosovo’s internal arrangements.

EU message: Choose your leaders, without fear or interference (Klan Kosova)

The Heads of the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, the EULEX and the EU Missions in Kosovo welcome the statement issued yesterday by the Chief Observer of the EU Election Observation Mission, Mr Alojz Peterle.

In addition, the Heads of the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, the EULEX and the EU Missions in Kosovo express concern over reported incidents of intimidation and pressure, such as those witnessed over the past days in the north and elsewhere in Kosovo.

Thaci: Kosovo to have stable, pro-European and multiethnic government (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said in an interview for Austrian daily Salzburger Nachrichten that he would like to see Brussels more engaged in the Western Balkans region but that he was not expecting any “miracles” from the meeting between the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Western Balkans leaders.

"Everyone understands we need peace in W. Balkans" (B92)

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini's informal dinner with prime ministers of the Western Balkan Six was held in Brussels late on Wednesday.

All present confirmed their full commitment to continue working for the European Union integration process, as confirmed by the EU at the March 2017 European Council, a statement published on the EEAS website said.