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Kosovo votes under shadow of war crimes probe (Reuters)

Thu, Jun 5 2014

By Fatos Bytyci

GJAKOVA Kosovo (Reuters) - Hashim Thaci's "thumbs-up" gesture has become his trademark in election campaigns since he helped lead the guerrilla insurgency to throw off Serbian rule over Kosovo 15 years ago.

The thumbs were on show again this week in the western town of Gjakova, where 46-year-old Thaci was on the campaign trail ahead of an election on Sunday he hopes will give him a third term as prime minister.

Hashim Thaci’s two options, each worse than the other (Express)

Member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Berat Buzhala writes in an opinion piece for Gazeta Express that if the leader of his party, Hashim Thaci, manages to score another victory and beat the largest opposition party, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), this would be more a defeat of his main rival than an actual victory of Thaci and would represent the end of the rational politics in Kosovo.

Losers in the campaign (Zeri)

The paper’s editor Lavdim Hamidi recalls promises that new mayors of certain municipalities made before they took office and declares that not only did they not fulfill them but instead of focusing on problems their municipalities have, they are all busy campaigning for their own parties.

Some of them can even be seen on billboards across Kosovo although they are personally not running in these elections, adds Hamidi.

The most beautiful politicians (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi claims that if candidates running in upcoming elections were really as they portray themselves to be Kosovo would not be in the state it is – one of the least developed countries in Europe.

Kelmendi says that everything seen during this election campaign is easily compared to a beauty contest but warns the voters not to be deceived by the beauty of the promises they are hearing stressing that their memory should be longer than the ten-day campaign.

Northern Kosovo Serbs to heed government call (Tanjug)

Following the Serbian government's decision to back the participation of the representatives of the Srpska electoral list in the Kosovo-Metohija legislative elections, a meeting has been held at which the conclusion was made that Serbs in northern Kosovo will heed the government's call to vote in Sunday's elections, the government Office for Kosovo-Metohija said in a statement.

NDS: We support participation of Serbs in elections (KIM radio)

New Democratic Party (NDS) caucus whip in the Serbian Assembly Marko Đurišić stated that decision to call Kosovo Serbs to participate in elections is good.

“I believe that the decision is a good one, even though it is obviously brought in difficult circumstances and despite many opposite justifications. However, I think that history has taught us that any non-participation is worse than participation, even under the unfair conditions,” said Đurišić.


Serbs from the north to participate in elections (RTS)

A the meeting between the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and mayors from four municipalities in the north of the province it was concluded that Serbs from the north will answer positively on state’s call to participate in Kosovo elections on 8 June.

Serbs from northern Kosovo will follow the call of the Serbian government on participation in parliamentary elections in Kosovo on 8 June, by which they will contribute to efforts in realization of the national and state interests of Serbia, reads the statement.


Serbs in northern Kosovo will vote (Vesti)

Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanović confirmed on Wednesday that the northern Kosovo Serbs will participate in elections for the Kosovo Assembly, on Sunday, June 8th.

Dragan Jablanović refused to answer why the mayors of the four municipalities in northern Kosovo changed their decision on participation in Sunday's elections.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric talked to them yesterday.