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Tahiri: By speaking about Gazivoda border, Serbia is recognizing Kosovo (

Edita Tahiri, Minister for dialogue of the Kosovo government, said for that the issue of Kosovo assets was never discussed in the meetings between the Kosovar and Serbian parties in Brussels.

“Such issue was not opened at the meeting of the prime ministers either. Our position on the Ujman/Gazivoda issue, respectively on all Kosovo assets is that we do not discuss them with anyone under any circumstances,” said Tahiri.

Vucic and Mustafa about area code and energy (Danas)

In Brussels today would continue the political negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Unofficially, the theme of today's dialogue at the "prime-minister level" should be Telecommunications - assignment of a new area code for Kosovo, energy, including the fate of the hydroelectric system Gazivode and substation Valac, as well as the opening of negotiations on the community Serbian municipalities.

Celaj: Courts in the north, under the jurisdiction of Kosovo (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Justice, Lirak Celaj, reported on Monday to the Committee on the Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns on the structure of judges and prosecutors in the judicial system. Celaj said that the Justice Agreement between Pristina and Belgrade was a significant achievement for justice, which according to him, it will integrate the Serb community in Kosovo institutions, particularly the judiciary.

Brussels: New round of Belgrade-Pristina talks Tuesday (Tanjug)

A new round of Belgrade-Pristina talks will be held under the auspices of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini in Brussels on Tuesday.

The talks will be launched in the evening hours, and the delegations will be headed by Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa respectively.

The officials will table progress made in the implementation of the agreements reached to date and exchange opinion about further normalization of relations, reads a statement issued by Mogherini's office.

Zoran Stankovic: Small chances for a rerun of the census (Vecernje Novosti)

President of the Government Coordination Body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, Zoran Stankovic said that the number of inhabitants will be determined in these municipalities by May 1, adding that there are legal obstacles for repeating the census.

Some of the parties from this area have called for a boycott of the last census.

He said to Novosti that the National Council of Albanians have less money than they should, because for the funds is required to have data on population.

Parties agreed to engage on implementation of the agreements (RTKLive)

The government of Kosovo has issued a press release which informs that Minister for dialogue, Edita Tahiri, met during her visit in Brussels with the officials of the European Union. The focus of their discussions was acceleration on implementing all the agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue. She met with Anna-Maria Eleni Boura, Special adviser for the dialogue from the Office of the EU High Representative, Frederica Mogherini, as well as with Nicholas Cendrowics and Alexis Hupin, facilitators of different fields of the dialogue.


Tahiri: Construction in the north has not been discussed in Brussels (Koha)

Kosovo minister without portfolio Edita Tahiri said today before MPs that construction works in the north of Kosovo has not been discussed in the Brussels dialogue with Belgrade. However, she said efforts are underway to try and resolve the matter through a memorandum of understanding which has yet to be signed by the mayors of northern and southern parts of Mitrovica.