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Serbs in northern Kosovo are concerned about dissolution of Civil Protection (Politika)

The agreement signed last week in Brussels, according to which the Civil Protection in northern Kosovo will be dissolved till 1 September upset the Serbs north of the Ibar/Iber River. They are particularly concerned about the “mysterious atmosphere” related to the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, bearing in mind that the Albanian side comes out with the official announcement, while Belgrade is silent.

Pristina deciding on the budget for the North or new elections (Politika)

If the Kosovo institutions do not respect the Brussels Agreement, they will open a new crisis, said Ljubomir Maric.

If the Kosovo institutions in the course of the day do not adopt budgets of four municipalities in northern Kosovo for 2015, there are legal possibilities for Pristina to impose provisional measures.

How Interpol is working in Kosovo (Politika)

The warrant was issued for Stojanovic at the request of the UNMIK mission in Kosovo. Interpol office in Kosovo operates within UNMIK.

UNMIK is the only authorized mission that has the ability to, through international cooperation, claim people and exchange information with the countries and organizations that do not recognize Kosovo as an independent state. In this context, UNMIK has the role of intermediary that forwards requests for warrants from EULEX mission, but also from the Kosovo Police.

EULEX ready to assist the implementation of the agreement (Politika)

The head of EULEX in Kosovo, Gabriele Meucci tonight expressed readiness of the mission to assist in the implementation of the agreement on the functioning of the judiciary, which was reached in Brussels between Belgrade and Pristina.

As EULEX stated, Meucci said this at a meeting with Kosovo Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuqi, on which was discussed about the agreement on the functioning of the judiciary.

During the meeting, Kuqi informed Meucci about the steps that are necessary to ensure the efficient functioning of the judiciary in northern Kosovo.

Better conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija (RTS, Tanjug, Blic, Politika)

BELGRADE - Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija, stated on Wednesday that the agreement on judiciary, which was initialed in Brussels on Tuesday, will bring about better conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

Djuric said that for Radio and Television of Serbia that he expects that the agreement will also contribute to the opening of chapters in the EU accession talks.

Migrants from Kosovo "find new route" in bid to reach EU (B92, Blic, Politika)

PRISTINA -- Ethnic Albanians continue to leave Kosovo in great numbers even after their departure via Merdare has been prevented.

Buses carrying immigrants headed for Hungary and on to other EU countries are no longer allowed to go via this administrative line crossing, located between Kosovo and central Serbia.

But late on Sunday, the media in Pristina are reporting, a large number of people, mostly in private cars, headed towards the Vrmici crossing with Albania, planning to travel to Montenegro, "and try and reach an EU country from there."

Zarif calls on Pristina to urgently focus on setting up ZSO (Tanjug, Politika)

It is very important that the new government in Pristina urgently devotes its efforts to setting up the Community of Serb municipalities (ZSO), Farid Zarif, chief of the Temporary Resident of United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), said at a UN Security Council quarterly debate on the situation in the southern Serbian province on Friday.

Kandic: Crimes in Kosovo are documented (Politika, Blic)

Natasa Kandic, Project Coordinator of the "Kosovo Memory Book", said in Pristina that the book documents the crimes in Kosovo, it is important to tell the truth, to shed light on the events, and the courts to be informed and to prosecute those responsible for the deaths of more than ten thousand people.

Kandic said that at the promotion of the "Kosovo Memory Book" in which is documented the death and disappearance of more than 10,000 Serbs, Albanians and non-Albanians and more than 3,000 members of the KLA, Serbian forces, KFOR.