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Mustafa: Jablanovic no longer minister (RTS, Politika)

Aleksandar Jablanovic no longer is part of my cabinet, said Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. The decision was made without consultation with the Serbs, says Branimir Stojanovic, Kosovo's deputy prime minister.

Mustafa did not explain whether Jablanovic resigned or he was removed from the office. "We faced the demands of demonstrators in the previous period related to the Trepca and Minister Jablanovic. I can inform you that as of today Jablanovic is not part of the Cabinet of the Government of Kosovo," said Mustafa.

A Serb beaten in Pec/Peja (Tanjug, Politika)

A group of ethnic Albanians attacked Pavic Gojkovic, a 61-year-old Serb, on Wednesday in Pec/Peja, northwestern Kosovo, and members of the Kosovo police saved him from being lynched.

Gojkovic told Tanjug that a group of Albanians attacked him after he walked out of a lawyer's office onto the street, together with his mother and a close friend who drove them to Pec/Peja.

Army chief, KFOR commander discuss security (B92, Blic, Politika)

Serbian army chief Ljubisa Dikovic KFOR commander Francesco Paolo Figliuolo met and discussed the security situation in Kosovo and on the administrative line.

Dikovic and Figliuolo also discussed the cooperation between the Serbian Army and KFOR so far and the directions of their future cooperation, the Serbian Ministry of Defense said.

This is the first official meeting between the two general since Figliuolo assumed office as the KFOR commander in Kosovo in September 2014.

OSCE: Still no solution for return of displaced to Kosovo (Politika, Tanjug)

PRISTINA - As many as 15 years after the Kosovo conflict, there are still no lasting solutions for the return or integration of around 220,000 people displaced outside Kosovo and the 17,000 internally displaced living in Kosovo, shows the latest report of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

According to the report, the number of returnees is declining every year, although Kosovo's ministry for communities and return has undertaken significant measures to help the displaced population.

The witnesses did not confirm the EULEX suspicions against Slavisa Ristic (Politika)

The EULEX Prosecution has not filed an indictment against Slavisa Ristic, a former president of Zubin Potok, who is suspected of alleged serious crimes. After hours of interrogation, Ristic was determined the measure of mandatory reporting to the Mitrovica and Zubin Potok police station.

The United Nations recognized the independence of the IOC and sports (Politika)

The "historic resolution" besides autonomy of the International Olympic Committee recognized the right of management of the Olympic Movement. The IOC to decide 8th and 9th December about full-fledged membership of the Olympic Committee of Kosovo.

The International Olympic Committee announced that at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly a "historic resolution" was adopted, whereby the autonomy of the International Olympic Committee and sports was recognized.