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Kosovo Albanian reports Vucic to German police (N1, KoSSev, Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Albanian Florim Ejupi has reported Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for alleging that he was involved in the murder of Kosovo Serb opposition leader Oliver Ivanovic, the KoSSev portal reported on Thursday.

Vucic told a news conference on Wednesday that Ejupi was involved in the Ivanovic murder in January 2018 in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica. He said that Ejupi fled to Germany via Albania.

Belgrade will react to Pristina’s travel ban, PM Brnabic says (RTS, N1)

Official Belgrade will react to Pristina’s travel ban on Serbian officials, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday.

Pristina’s behaviour affects regional cooperation, security and ties, she said and added that the Kosovo authorities have stepped up what she said are provocations including the ban on all Serbian officials traveling to Kosovo.

“That is something that we will react to,” Brnabic said.

Finland takes over EU, enlargement seems not to be priority (Beta, N1)

Finland took over the European Union six-months rotating Presidency from Romania on Monday and set the sustainability as its main goal, the Beta news agency reported.

During his country’s term, Finish Prime Minister Antti Rinne said that “the future of the EU should be social, economic and ecological sustainability.”

New Russian ambassador: The West is pressing Serbia and supports exclusively Albanians (Beta, Sputnik, N1)

The West's pressure on Serbia is obvious, and the US and its allies are encouraging Kosovo to maintain tensions in the region, said Russia's new ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Harchenko.

According to the Sputnik portal, he pointed out that these pressures are felt during the pre-accession negotiations that the European Union leads with Serbia, while the Americans are doing it in an even stronger way.

Media: Pristina representatives throw bottle on Serbia's delegation in CEFTA meeting (N1, Beta)

Regional meeting within the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), held in Albanian coastal town of Vlore on Friday, was interrupted after an incident involving Kosovo's representatives, which Serbia's officials assessed as ''chauvinistic'', according to Serbian media.

US Ambassador: The US will not lead the Belgrade-Pristina process (FoNet, N1)

The US Government will not lead the normalisation process between the official Belgrade and Pristina, that is the European Union's (EU) job, but we will be there to help as much as possible,” US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said in an interview with FoNet.

Russian Ambassador: Russia has not and will not trade with Kosovo issue (Beta, N1, Politika)

There never was nor will there ever be any trade with the Kosovo issue when Russia is concerned, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin said adding that the UN's Resolution 1244 remains the only basis for a political solution to the Kosovo issue.

State Department offers help in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue; Do not equalize Pristina and Belgrade, says Djuric (Srna, Beta, N1)

Belgrade and Pristina must remove obstacles, avoid provocations and return to negotiations, the State Department announced on the occasion of the cancellation of the summit in Paris, which was due to be held on July 1, under the auspices of Germany and France.

The United States said in its communique that they continue to support the European Union's (EU) dialogue mediation and the normalization of relations between the two capitals.

Paris summit called off due to Pristina's behaviour in Berlin, says Djuric (RTS, N1)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Pristina said that Pristina representatives acted irresponsibly and arrogantly towards the host at a preparatory meeting for the Paris summit, in Berlin, which was one of the reasons why the summit was cancelled, reports Serbian media. Djuric added that someone in Pristina was very nervous and feared of Serbia.

KiM Office Director, Djuric says hazardous chemicals stored in Kosovo Serb village (Beta, N1)

The Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija chief Marko Djuric on Thursday called KFOR and the international community to react to the possible storage of hazardous chemical waste in the Serb village of Gorazdevac.

A statement said that plans have been made to transport and destroy 80 barrels of hazardous chemical waste in that Serb village in the Metohija region near the town of Pec.