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Selimi: 100 per cent of Trepca is ownership of Kosovo (Danas)

“The Government of Kosovo has not changed the decision on the ownership of Trepca. Trepca is one hundred per cent owned by Kosovo, but the question which is under consideration relates to the model of the management of this property and future private investments. Currently, Trepca is managed through the Kosovo Privatization Agency, in a process that has been declared legal, during UNMIK's mandate,” told Petrit Selimi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo.

Serbia "not setting conditions for dialogue" (B92,Danas)

Serbia is not setting any conditions, "on the contrary, it shows with each step how much it cares and is working on regional cooperation,"says Zorana Mihajlovic.

The deputy prime minister responded this way "on the criticism of the government, received from European parliament rapporteur David McAllister who said that Serbia should not condition the dialogue with Kosovo's abandonment of the nationalization of the Trepca mine," the daily Danas writes.

Mihajlovic was also quoted as saying by the Belgrade-based paper that "Serbia, unlike Kosovo" respects all agreements.

The government is risking Serbia's entry into the European Union (Danas)

Serbian President, aware of the content of the Brussels Agreement, is trying to distance himself from the Government, and approach the voters who have been betrayed with the empty stories of entry in the EU and cooperation with the West. The government will again ignore Nikolic’s proposal, as last time, and he will say that at least he offered something. 

Upgrading the policy, or stories for children (Danas)

To which extent a new document, announced by the Serbian President Nikolic, can go out from the framework of Brussels Agreement, whose full implementation is condition for continuing Serbia's European integration?

Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) believes that document presents the upgrade of the process, which should prepare Serbia for all the surprises on the road to the EU. The opposition claims that it is a manipulation that will conceal the acceptance of the Brussels ultimatum.

Mustafa may not visit the north of Kosovo soon (Danas)

According to unofficial announcements from Brussels, the head of the Kosovo diplomacy, Hashim Thaci should seek Kosovo's entry into the CoE in a meeting with the Secretary of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland.

A membership in the European institution decides Committee of Ministers composed of 47 foreign ministers of member states, on the proposal of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Kosovo does not participate in the meeting 16 + 1 (Danas)

Belgrade - Although from the signing of the Brussels Treaty (April 2013) the Government of Serbia has a liberal attitude on the participation of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo in international conferences, Pristina has no representatives among the participants of the Third Summit of Heads of Government of China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, held in Belgrade.

The basis of our requirements is the Brussels Agreement (Danas)

For the Serbs is all the same who is at the head of the Government. We'll see what would be the new prime minister's position towards problems that we have. What is certain is that it will not be easy, because the Serbs and Albanians have drastically different views on the situation and the solutions that need to be found.

If Vucic succeed, that will be very good for Serbia (Danas)

Interview: Michael Kirby, US Ambassador to Serbia

How do you comment on the various statements of Serbian officials related to the connection between EU accession talks and Kosovo? President Nikolic says that we cannot join the EU until we recognize Kosovo, while Foreign Minister Dacic and Prime Minister Vucic insist that such a requirement (to choose between Kosovo and the EU) no one had set.

"No new German conditions" (Danas, B92)

BELGRADE -- Germany has not set any new condition before Serbia on its path towards gaining membership in the EU, a Belgrade-based daily writes.

The Danas newspaper said it learned unofficially "from diplomatic circles in Berlin" that "points which are necessary for the continuation of Serbia's EU integration are already familiar and set by the European Commission, not the Germans."