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Vucic: "Somebody" wants to destabilize the Balkans (Beta, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic said in Moscow on Tuesday it was "obvious there is increase of tension in the Balkans, and attempts of an overall destabilization of relations."

The Prime Minister of Serbia spoke with reporters on the side-lines of a sitting of the Business Council of Serbia and Russia, and added that "somebody is making a lot of effort" to destabilize relations in the Western Balkans.


Stefanovic: The last chance to sign bilateral agreement with Pristina (Danas)

"This is the last opportunity, if Kosovo is definitely received into the UNESCO, to sign a written bilateral agreement with Pristina," said Borislav Stefanovic to Danas, the former Serbian negotiator in the technical dialogue with Pristina.

Stefanovic also said that, after the recommendation of the Executive Board of UNESCO, it should be negotiated with Pristina calmly and cool-headed on the regulation of many issues, including the protection of churches and monasteries, property, the position of Serbs in Kosovo.

Stefanovic: Opposition supports government on Kosovo and EU (B92)

Democratic Party (DS) party Vice-President Borislav Stefanovic said that "PM Aleksandar Vucic and the government have the opposition's support on Kosovo."

Beside, Stefanovic stressed that the government "has the support related to European integrations and the Brussels agreement."

The former negotiator in the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina said he was "not surprised by the statement of the SANU President, Dr Kostic".

"No new conditions for Serbia" - German ambassador (Dailies)

There are no new conditions for the continuation of Serbia's EU integration nor demands to recognize Kosovo, says German Ambassador Axel Dittmann.

In addition, he stressed that Germany "supports the opening of chapters 35 and 32 in Serbia's EU membership talks next year." "The normalization process, the process of accession should go in parallel," said Dittmann during a conference dedicated to EU accession negotiations and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


EC, EEAS recommend opening of accession chapters for Serbia (Danas, Akter,

EC and the European External Action Service (EEAS) put forward the recommendation to the Council of Ministers and the EU Member States to open Chapter 35.

The EC and the EEAS put forward the recommendation to the Council of Ministers and the EU Member States to open Chapter 35 in the accession negotiations with Serbia, which refers to Kosovo, said Maja Kocijancic, the spokesperson of EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

"The status of Kosovo and Metohija defined by the Constitution and Resolution 1244" (Danas, Blic, B92, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that status and property of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) should be discussed in the next round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

According to him, the theme will be the participation of Serbs in Pristina institutions in the guaranteed percentage, as well as the airline flight Belgrade - Pristina.

Nikolic meets with heads of UN, UNESCO (RTS, Blic, B92, Tanjug)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon have agreed that "destruction of Serb cultural heritage in Kosovo would be a crime."

During their meeting in New York on Monday, Nikolic also asked for support in preventing the admission of Kosovo to UNESCO, and for protection of Serb heritage.

Negotiation chapters 35, 32 first to be opened (B92, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for EU Integration Ksenija Milenkovic voiced expectation on Tuesday that Chapters 35 and 32, relating to Kosovo and financial control, will be opened as part of Serbia's EU membership talks by the end of this year.

We expect that Chapters 23 and 24, on judiciary and security, will be opened soon after that, Milenkovic said at the opening of the International Scientific Conference: "Serbia and the European Union - Preparations for Negotiations on Chapter 23 and 24."

Nikolic set to meet with UN chief, EU officials (B92)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will meet with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York on Tuesday.

During the day, he will also attend a reception organized by European Council President Donald Tusk, First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

The president is in New York for this year's UN General Assembly session.