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Patriarch hopeful prime minister "could succeed" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej believes that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic could be able "to raise Serbia from the ashes."

'' I think that (Vucic) is trying. There are some indications that there will be results,'' the patriarch told the Nedeljnik magazine.

He also expects that "neighboring countries will show more understanding for Serbia this year."

'' I have to believe that he will be able to raise Serbia from these ashes. I hope God will allow us to do better,'' said the Patriarch.

PM: Serbia won't be "poor man of EU" (B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told the TV Pink broadcaster on Wednesday Serbia's membership in the EU was a strategic objective.


"The strategic goal is to become a member of the EU and in this field we do everything we can to make Serbia a well-ordered country, which when it becomes a member will not be even close to the poorest countries," said Vucic.

Patriarch urges Serbs to remain in Kosovo (B92)

Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej has called for peace, forgiveness and love in his Christmas message, and urged Serbs in Kosovo to remain there. "This Christmas as well, we stand with our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija, and we tell them to stay in Kosovo with their holy places," said the patriarch in a letter read at the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarchate in Belgrade.

Serbia's majority Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7.

Too early to talk about solution for Kosovo (B92)

 Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that it is "too early to talk about a comprehensive solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue. He also added he was "in a constant contact with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic in this regard."

"There are countless interpretations of the Brussels agreement, and difficult talks in difficult conditions are ahead of us," Vucic said, commenting on the continuation of the EU-brokered dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on the implementation of the agreement reached in Brussels on February 9.

Fight against Kosovo's independence continues (B92, TV Most)

Marko Djuric has said that Serbia "will continue to fight against the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo by all means at the state's disposal."

This "fight," however, "does not prevent the administration in Belgrade or the Serbs in Kosovo to talk with the Kosovo Albanians and implement the agreements that have been reached," the director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in an interview with the TV Most broadcaster from Zvecan in northern Kosovo.

"Serbia can be honest broker at helm of OSCE" (B92)

BELGRADE -- Serbia's "engagement on the European path, strong ties with Moscow and experience in regional conflicts" are all advantages it will have as OSCE chair.

 This assessment was made by OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, who spoke for Germany's Deutsche Welle media agency.

He recalled that Serbia's predecessor at the helm of the organization, Switzerland, as a neutral country "positioned itself between the two sides and tried to mediate a solution."


"Serbia should become Albania's ally" (B92, Akter,Blic)

BELGRADE -- Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama sayst Serbia "should become an ally of Albania, in order for the people in the Balkans to find peace."

"We have had a very difficult past, a years-long break in communication and a very dramatic period because of the regime in Belgrade and the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, but we are absolutely certain that a completely new period is in our hands and that an immense number of opportunities lie before our countries," Rama told the N1 television, Beta reported.

"EU seeks alignment not only on Ukraine" (Beta, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

BRUSSELS -- The European Commission is asking Serbia to harmonize its foreign policy - "a possible hint of pressure on us to impose sanctions on Russia," writes a daily.

Apart from the Ukraine crisis, Belgrade is also expected to align its policy with that of the EU on Iraq and Syria, the Vecernje Novosti newspaper writes.

The European Commission will present a specific demand to this end, the article adds, and interprets this as "possibly meaning there will be increased pressure on Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia."